Chapel Hill

Forum Open Thread: Chapel Hill Town Council

Nine candidates, four seats. Welcome to the open thread for tonight's live Chapel Hill Town Council candidate forum.

We hope you'll use this space to post your thoughts and reactions. You can reach the editors during the forum via Twitter, Facebook, or the contact page.


Filling vacancies: school board, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro

Up til 1955 the CH Town Council filled vacancies on the school board, then it went to elections to fill vacancies, but the local acts were unclear how to deal with this. The general law just said refer to the local act. In 1973 there was a 2 year vacancy and the Board of Elections put it on the ballot as a separate election. The powers that be did not like this, and the school board asked the legislature to change this so the low vote-getting winner got a shorter term. The legislature did this in 1974, then did it again in in 1975.

2020 Stakeholder Meeting, Part Deux

Tonight residents from across Chapel Hill gathered for the second stakeholder meeting as part of Chapel Hill 2020 planning process. I’m going to structure this post, the same as I did for last one, first I’ll report what happened chronologically and then give my feedback/thoughts. 

Kicking Off Chapel Hill 2020

In just a few short hours the Chapel Hill 2020 process will officially kick off with a community meeting at East Chapel Hill High School. After an open house that introduces what the process will actually be, attendees will split off into small groups to try to develop a vision for the plan and to identify key themes that the plan should focus on. Each of these small groups will be led a facilitator from the Leadership Team (see my previous post What Exactly Is The Leadership Committee Anyway?). The discussion that emerges in each group will be also be recorded by a staff person. You can check out an agenda here. And keep in mind that childcare for children over the age of five will be provided for free by the YMCA and food will available for purchase from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro PTA. 

OCDW's Municipal Candidate Forum Brings Affordable Housing to Forefront

Thursday, September 22, 2011, members of the Orange County Democratic Women (OCDW) gathered together, along with the UNC Young Democrats, concern citizens, members of the press and Democratic candidates for both the Carrboro Board of Aldermen and the Chapel Hill Town Council to have a conversation about their communities. The OCDW forum at the OWASA Meeting Room in Carrboro, co-sponsored by the UNC Young Democrats, gave both the Chapel Hill and Carrboro communities the opportunity to press their respective candidates on the issues they feel matter most during this election cycle including affordable housing and the recnet budget cut-backs.

However, candidates differed in discussing their tangible platform points relating to the topics. Moreover, over the course of the evening, candidates highlighted their various personal strengths and unique perspectives on a wide range social justice issues, ranging from environmental degregation to living-wages for all UNC employees.



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