Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill Town Manager Sends Report on Yates Building Raid to Town Council

Occupy Chapel Hill/Carrboro 2.0: The Next Phase

On Tuesday, January 10, 2012, Occupy Chapel Hill/Carrboro will make history by becoming one of the very few, longstanding Occupy encampments in the country to peacefully and voluntarily transition to a new phase in its evolution.

Members of OCHC are planning a special day in celebration of the power and potential of the 99% movement. And they have invited the whole community. That means YOU!!

The day’s events will kick off at 3 p.m. with taking down tents and cleanup of the Peace and Justice Plaza, 179 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill. Press are welcome to attend. This will be followed by a press conference at 4:30 p.m., at which Occupiers will present plans for the future. A General Assembly will be held at 6 p.m. at the Plaza.

Following the General Assembly, OCHC will be hosting a dance party at the Plaza, starting at about 8 p.m.

OCHC’s immediate plans for its evolution include: a Plaza presence consisting of General Assemblies, teach-ins, outreach, discussion circles, and events; roving encampments; participation in Occupy the Courts on January 20; and continuing active support for The Chapel Hill Carrboro Human Rights Center.

Resolve to Get Involved with Chapel Hill 2020 This New Year

January marks Chapel Hill 2020’s fifth month, and if the schedule of planned events is any indication it will its busiest by far.

Light Rail Routing Advocacy for Meadowmont

Last week, the Meadowmont Community Association (our homeowners' association) sent out a letter (a paper letter, via actual mail!) with the nominal purpose of informing residents of upcoming hearings before Town Council on the routing of the proposed light rail line. (For details on the issue, see my first blog post and my followup.) It omitted some important details however, so I wrote a response and emailed it around to some of my neighbors. I've posted it on my new single-issue website, and I'm reprinting it below. I hope everyone has a great 2012. — Geoffrey F. Green

Second Theme Group Report Out Gives Me Cause For Optimism



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