Chapel Hill

Are the County and Towns Tracking Our Cell Phones?

In August 2011, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of North Carolina Foundation filed public records requests with all 100 North Carolina counties and all police departments in municipalities with populations larger than 30,000. The requests were part of a nationwide effort coordinated by the ACLU to determine under what circumstances law enforcement agencies are tracking cell phones. Both the Orange County Sheriff's Office and the Chapel Hill Police Department received the requests, and here's what the ACLU found.

Town Council scheduled to receive 2020 Plan on May 21

Chapel Hill 2020 Process Changes Directions

Chapel Hill town manager Roger Stancil opened tonight’s Chapel Hill 2020 meeting by describing where we are in the process. As part of that description, he mentioned that the town was moving out of the “intensive engagement” part of the process and into the “refine and review” process. Tonight’s meeting and some recent developments in the process seem to clearly point out that this is indeed the case.

Chapel Hill/Carrboro CROP Hunger Walk - March 25

4 miles. 90 minutes. 8000 steps.
Join us on March 25 to help end hunger in Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and around the world.

The Chapel Hill/Carrboro CROP Hunger Walk is a four-mile stroll through Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and the UNC campus, beginning and ending at the Carrboro Town Commons.  Over the past quarter century, the event has become a festive community tradition and has raised over $1 million dollars to fund hunger relief programs both locally and around the world.  25% of the money raised goes to support the IFC's food programs in Chapel Hill and Carrboro.  The remainder is used by Church World Service for it's international hunger prevention efforts.

Registration begins at 1:30 at the Carrboro Town Commons.  There is a silent auction during registration with final bids accepted until 3:30. The silent auction will include certificates from local restaurants and a pottery class from Good Earth Pottery and Garden.
The walk begins at 2:30.  Activities and entertainment will be provided prior to the walk and snacks will be available afterwards.
Sign up to walk, or sponsor congregations, organizations, or individuals as they walk at: 

Can't walk on the 25th?  Sign up to be a "Spirit Walker".

Get more information at:

Questions?  Contact Rachael at 929-6380 ext. 29.

Help end hunger one step at a time.


Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 1:30pm


Carrboro Town Commons, 301 W. Main St., Carrboro, NC

Future Focus Report Out Frustrates Participants

Earlier this evening town staff briefed the public on the results from the Future Focus sessions held last week. The meeting followed a pretty basic format. During the first and last 30 minutes, participants were free to roam around five different rooms, one or each of the special study areas that town previously identified. In the hour between, Mary Jane Nirdlinger, the town’s assistant planning director, gave a presentation synthesizing the results while taking questions from the audience.



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