
News and opinions related to local elections.

Round two!

Here's a new thread for contintuing discussion of the Carrboro Board of Aldermen's attempt to make themselves whole. The meeting begins at 7pm tonight at Carrboro Town Hall, and I understand it will also be on cable.

Last night's deliberation
Candidate interviews
Candidate discussion
Actual applications (PDF)

Here's Carrboro's chance to show they know how to compromise...

And today's appointees are: Alito and…

Who will the Carrboro Board of Aldermen appoint to the vacated alderman seat tonight? Will it be a good day for ‘conservatives'? Or will Alito have to share his big moment with Dan or James or Catherine or Lydia or... ?

There's been precious little speculation on OP about who we can expect to be appointed. Frankly, I'm stumped. What's the best thinking out there? What voting process do people want the BoA to use tonight?

Selecting the grand jury in 2006

Guest post by Alan McSurely

Discussion on Impeachment of George Bush Town Meeting
7 PM, January 27, Carrboro Town Hall
Panel to include Dan Pollitt, Diana McDuffee, Lucy Lewis, Al McSurely
- dent : Impeach Who?
When we vote in May and again in November 2006 in the Congressional primary and general election, the most important issue facing us is to select strong members for the impeachment grand jury. The House of Representatives has three main constitutional duties: to spend our money wisely; to declare war when the U.S. is in real danger; and to impeach (that is, charge) the President and the Vice President with high crimes and misdemeanors. The Senate then sits as a criminal jury, and decides whether to convict and remove them from office.

Blackbox Magic?

Looks like we're going to experience a bit more fun than expected in this May's elections. Orange's voting machines, along with 100 other NC counties, have been decertified. From the HeraldSun's Emily Coakley

Orange County's Board of Elections is working to buy new voting machines after the county's current machines were decertified by the state earlier this month.

The county isn't alone. Voting equipment for all of the state's 100 counties was decertified, said Todd McGee, director of communications at the N.C. Association of County Commissioners. This has led to some worry among county officials.

Chief among the concerns is whether the two vendors approved to supply voting machines to the state will be able to deliver orders from 100 different counties by the May primaries, McGee said.

Hmmm, I think there's a bit more to worry about than whether the vendors will deliver on time.

So, what can we do to influence the choice of equipment?

Excuses excuses

Guest Post by Ginny Franks

"Voting is perhaps the most important duty we have as citizens of the United States. But it also is important to remember to vote for the area that we are shaping as students at this University. We are a part of this community, whether we're from Wilmington or Boone.

So register to vote.

It doesn't matter for whom or what you vote. Just do it. It's as simple as that."

– Emma Burgin, Daily Tar Heel columnist and former City Editor

If the State Board of Elections records are right (Disclaimer: they aren't always!), then Emma Burgin didn't vote.



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