
News and opinions related to local elections.

One more day

Candidate filing for 2006 races closes tomorow. Two more candidates are announced in the Herald. There seems to be a dearth of Commissioner candidates, even if Barry Jacobs announces a re-election campaign.

I am still waiting for someone to challenge the Register of Deeds on a platform of allowing gay marriages. Mark Dorosin, where are you...?

A GRIM Report

Guest Post by Alan McSurely

Since the press reported the massive unconstitutional domestic spying program of President Bush and Vice President Cheney 2 months ago, a spontaneous grass roots impeachment movement has taken off. One poll showed over 53% of the American people favored an impeachment investigation, over 90% of African Americans were for such an investigation, and over 24% Republicans. This belief that our two leaders have committed crimes is well grounded. The men lied to Congress to give them authority to invade a sovereign nation. Their intentional lies, mixed with their massive ignorance of the Iraqi nation and stumblebum incompetence in handling basic governmental functions has led to the murderous mayhem in Iraq that has destroyed the Nation's leaders, its culture, and tens of thousands of its children. This is a high crime.

County voting changes

After much discussion, the County Commissioners have settled on a proposal that we the voters will get to decide on this fall. They suggest leaving the board at 5 members, with 2 elected at-large (as all five are right now), 2 elected from the Chapel Hill "Township" (which includes Carrboro), and 1 elcted from the rest of the county.

The Board of Commissioners tentatively agreed Thursday on an election map that would require three of the five commissioners to live in newly created districts. Although the board is adding this residential requirement, all county residents will vote on all seats in the primaries and general election.

Voters will decide yea or nay on the plan in a referendum in November...

Start your engines

Monday begins the filing period for the spring primaries and fall elections. We will be collecting information as we go at the 2006 OP Election Guide.

Known candidates so far are Mike Nelson (D), Jamie Daniel (R), and incumbent Alice Gordon (D) for County Commissioner; and Adam Stein (D) for Superior Court Judge.

Please post any reports of additional candiates filing in the comments.

Nelson runs for County Commissioner

I couldn't be happier to announce the web site (and campaign of course) of Mike Nelson for Orange County Commissioner! This year the seats of Alice Gordon, Steve Halkiotis, and Barry Jacobs will be open. I don't think any of them has announced whether they are running. Candidates have until February 28 to file for the primary.

Mike deserves some credit for helping Carrboro become the wonderful and successful place it is right now. He is poised to be a strong leader on environmental issues, which are currently staring the county in the face. And he also has plenty of experience with social and economic issues as the former Mayor of Carrboro.

The support of the current county commissioners for extending water and sewer lines into the Rural Buffer is one of the main reasons I have decided to run. The Rural Buffer, separating Chapel Hill/Carrboro from the rest of the county, is one of Orange County's greatest assets. We should cherish it and seek to protect it at all costs.



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