
News and opinions related to local elections.

Herrera to announce "yellow bike" proposal

This Saturday morning at 10:30 at Carrboro Town Hall, John Herrera will present a proposal to develop a “yellow bike” program that has proven very successful in many communities in the US and around the world.

Yellow bike projects provide free access to bicycles for municipal transportation. The objective is to reduce the use of short auto trips, cut down on congestion and pollution, and increase mobility. It is called yellow bike because the bikes are usually painted a bright yellow color to clearly identify them as belonging to the program.

Herrera will be joinedby members of Critical Mass, a bicyclist rights organization, and the Recylcery, which repairs and gives away old bikes.

After the presentation Carrboro bicyclists are invited to join Herrera and supporters for a bike tour around Carrboro. A more detailed statement and information will be available at the event.

2005 Voter Guide

Well this has been a learning experience for me. Collecting and compiling just a little bit of information about the candidates was a lot more work than I expected. What I have so far is only what candidates provided for me, or information that was very easy to find (like endorsements).

I tried to e-mail all of them, but forgot a few in the first round (and don't have e-mail for all of them in spite of asking for it by snail mail). Any candidates who I missed, please contact me ASAP and accept my apologies. I still need to take pictures of a few more yard signs.

Where's the money

So the election is just days away and we haven't had a single discussion of campaign financing. There were a few newspaper articles after the previous filing deadline, but I've been unable to glean any kind of consistent information that I could use to compare and contrast the candidates.

I understand there was just another round of reports due, but I haven't seen any coverage of that. So... what do you know, readers? Who's getting how much money and from whom? Anyone want to go up to Hillsborough and do some research?

Chamber posts forum audio


The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce has updated our elections website www.carolinachamber.org/elections by adding audio from the Chamber/WCHL 1360AM/EmPOWERment forums. Now you can click to hear individual candidate responses to some of the forum questions. Special thanks to WCHL 1360AM for providing forum audio for use on the website.

Thank you,

Jason Jolley
Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce

Carrboro Live

I just got this announcement by e-mail:


Thursday November 3rd, 7-8 PM - TONIGHT!!!

"Carrboro Live" hosts Mayoral candidates
Alex Zaffron and Mark Chilton

Call in with your questions - 929-9601

Tune in over the airwaves at 103.5 FM
or on the 'net by clicking on the link at



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