News and opinions related to local elections.
Today I got a robocall from Chapel Hill Mayor Kevin Foy, urging me to vote for him and the other 4 incumbents for Chapel Hill Town Council! Is this a first in Orange County municipal races?
Does anyone think this has a positive influence on voters? It's hard to imagine that the informative nature outweighs the don't-call-me-at-home aspect. Then again, it's always good to have a reminder to get out the vote.
In national politics, we often criticize the mainstream media for covering the "horse race" between candidates instead of the issues. Do voters really need to know how much money someone has or do they need to know which candidate's health plan with help their family the most? In reflecting on OP's discussion of this year's election, I find it a little more horse-race oriented than I would like, although there is also a great deal of substantive and useful commentary.
Tomorrow is the last day of early voting. Polls at Carrboro Town Hall, the Franklin Street Post Office, and the Orange County Public Library will be open from 9 am to 1 pm. Anyone want to meet up for some voting and brunch?
I'm thinking Post Office then Ye Olde Waffle Shop, but I'm open to other proposals. Anyone game? Say, 10:30?
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