
News and opinions related to local elections.

George Lakoff

Received this email today:

Thanks to special support from interested donors, and the enthusiasm of at least 22 sponsoring organizations, including NCCADV the Triangle progressive community will host Dr. George Lakoff of Berkeley, CA at 6:30 PM on Saturday, March 1, 2008 at the Hilton Garden Airport-RDU.

We thought you would want to know! There will be a cash bar, dinner, and address by Dr. Lakoff--whose style is entertaining, stimulating, and highly informative.

George Lakoff is one of the most highly recognized thinkers and teachers on language and public discourse today. His popular 2004 book, Don't Think of an Elephant, helped progressive Americans understand how to avoid common language traps when talking about our civic enterprise. His new work, Thinking Points, is available on-line through the Rockridge Institute, where Dr. Lakoff serves as senior fellow. A linguistics professor at the University of California-Berkeley for the last 35 years, Dr. Lakoff's theories of how people communicate have created new ways of thinking about human interaction.

The dinner will be at the Hilton Garden Airport-RDU, and ticket prices will be set as low as possible, just to cover the cost of the meal and acility. The bar will open at 6:30, and dinner will be at 7.

Having Dr. Lakoff come to North Carolina is an exciting opportunity to learn from and be energized by one of the premier progressive thinkers of our time.

Join us on the evening of Saturday, March 1st, for this exciting presentation. If you know someone who would like to attend this event, please email Senseney Marshall at senseney@ncjustice.org so we can send an invitation.


Saturday, March 1, 2008 - 1:30pm


Saturday's Progressive Democrats Conference in Chapel Hill featured Marisol Jimendez-McGee of El Pueblo. She summarized the macroeconomic causes of immigration to NC and some of the local reactions to it. She ended with a plea for help. So what do we do?

Local GOP chair to run for Congress

I read in the Chapel Hill News this morning that Augustus Cho, the chairman of the Orange County Republican Party, is going to run against David Price. Supposedly other Republicans are considering the same. What do ya'll know about him? All I know about Cho is from the 'My View' Column he writes every month.

Side note: Why is the Chapel Hill News story 'Thieves hit washing machines' above the story 'GOP chair Cho to challenge Price'?

Welcome Lydia, and thank you Alex

And now tonight at 7:30 Carrboro will swear in new and re-elected members of the Board of Aldermen: Joal, Dan, and Lydia. I'm sure Dan Coleman will be breathing a sigh of relief now that he has been put before the people of Carrboro and duly elected. Expect another round of nice speeches followed by good snacks. If there have been as many bitter recriminations in Carrboro as there have been in Chapel Hill, I sure haven't noticed. What are people saying? Are we ready to work together yet?

New Council starts today

Tonight, the Chapel Hill Town Council will swear in the four folks elected this fall: Jim, Sally, Bill, and Matt. Hopefully, this will lay to rest the Chapel Hill News' obsession with picking on Cam Hill. Presumably, you can look for Matt Czajkowski - who promised to ride his bike to all Council meetings - pedaling up Franklin Street tonight.



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