gercohen's blog

Carrboro special election date a challenge for campaigners and voters

Carrboro's decision to call a special election for Tuesday, March 19 will be a challenge for campaigns, what with UNC on Spring Break starting March 8 and classes resuming March 18. Important media like the DTH will suspend publication the prior week, and while the Town Board has recognized that it will have early voting, March 8-March 16 early voting dates will also be during break when many students, faculty and staff take vacation.

This week in Transit: hearing Tues, votes Tues/Fri

Folks, it's almost here. Orange County Commissioners will hold mandatory public hearings on three items at 7 pm Tues 12/11 Southern Human Services Center Homestead Rd:

  • 1/2% Durham/Orange sales tax,
  • $7 annual Orange County vehicle registration fee, and
  • $3 Durham/Orange vehicle registration fee.

Commissioners have all three items on the agenda right after the hearing. The Durham Commissioners had their hearing and final vote on the sales tax two weeks ago. If approved by Orange, then the TTA Board will vote on the sales tax Friday at 1 pm, and that will be final vote. Collections would begin 4/1/13.

2012 General Election by precinct now up - (and hey Mark M White Cross almost passed transit)

Tracy Reams at the BoE sent me this today: "Good afternoon. Wanted to let you know that we have completed sorting through the 54,229 ballots cast prior to Election Day and the results are available on our website at PDF is report by VTD (Voting Tabulation District) where all votes cast are reported in their home precincts."

Here is the direct link all this should be graphed and mapped with spreadsheets on the state board website after Christmas

I'd note the following in a quick look at the.pdf file

Official Vote total released Friday for Orange - Obama 70.22%, Transit 58.88% Yes

Officially canvassed election results were releaesd by the Orange County Board of Elections Friday afternoon.

About 160 of the 400 provisional ballots were counted, along with civilian absentee ballots received thru 11/9 and military and overseas ballots received thru 11/15. A total of 77,050 votes were cast (compared with 75,194 in 2008). Prez wound up 70.22% to 28.06%, Dalton had 64.44, to McCrory's 32.42% with the Libertarian 3.08% (above Howe's statewide average of 2.1%)

The official canvass inched the YES on Transit up from 58.83% to 58.88%.

I also got from the BoE some stats broken down by early vote site (the online canvass has all five sites lumped in together - the totals will be broken out by precinct by early January).

Final new voter total 15,213 pre-early vote

Final totals from the Orange County Board of Elections for new voter registration through the 10/12 cutoff show the following

D            6,208  40.81%

R           2,071    13.61%

U           6,783    44.59%

L              153     1.01%

TOTAL      15,213

of note -- I've been following this here since 1971, and 2012 is the first year that the Ds were not #1 in new voter registration, but also the 13% is a historic low for the Rs.

 Will have final totals by November 5 covering those registering during early voting



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