May 2015

The Mouse that roared.

Tonight at 7:30 at Carrboro High School is the final performance of The Mouse that Roared. It's about the nation of Grand Fenwick that invaded the US and won by capturing the Q-bomb. Originally a cold war book it reminds me of current events of the last 60 years. A theme in the book was the formation of the Tiny Twenty to ban weapons of mass destruction. Lichtenstein, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Mexico, Iceland, Ecuador, Grand Fenwick and others form an alliance and with the threat of the Q-bomb won world peace.  There was even an environmental component: bird watching and preserving the local forest. Hope Chapel Hill and Orange County pass new bonds for Parks and Open Space.

This Week in Orange Politics: May 4-10

The week in county politics starts tonight when the Chapel Hill Town Council will consider what to do with its vacant seat and continue Tuesday when the county commissioners review solar power development and Carrboro Alderfolks get an overview of the town’s budget for the upcoming year. Later in the week, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board will consider approving several policy changes.

Both the county school board and Hillsborough Town Board will be on break this week.

Here’s the whole rundown:


Will We or Will We Not

Hi all,I attended last nights council work session to see if the council is ready to appoint someone to fill the vacancy of Matt C .After I  along with several others who voiced who they wanted to fill it, I came up with the concludeson was lets wait for the Nov. elections. Gary Kahn

This Week in Orange Politics: May 11-17

The county commissioners, Chapel Hill Town Council and Carrboro alderfolks will all tackle their budgets for the upcoming fiscal year this week, and the later two groups will both be talking about the Durham-Orange light rail project as well.

Elsewhere in the county, the Hillsborough town commissioners will discuss parking and food trucks, while the county school board gets an update on the family success alliance and continues discussions on its facilities assesment.

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board is off this week.

Here’s the whole rundown:


Town of Carrboro Community Forum on Policing


Monday, June 29, 2015 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm


Town Hall, 301 W Main Street, Carrboro

This Week in Orange Politics: May 25-31

Though it’s a short week because of the Memorial Day holiday, Orange County’s public bodies will be busy. The Carrboro Alderfolks will get public comment on opening East Weaver Street to pedestrians, while the county commissioners will ask for feedback on the budget for the upcoming year and several zoning amendments and permits.

The Chapel Hill Town Council will discuss a potential 2015 general obligation bond referendum and the Community Home Trust interlocal agreement, while the Hillsborough Town Board talks budget and the county school board reviews an IT overhaul effort.

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education is on break this week, and don’t forget to join us for our monthly editors meeting Sunday at the Looking Glass.

Here’s the whole rundown:


Gary Kahn Announces run for Chapel Hill Mayor

Hi all, This evening  i announced on WCHL that im running for Chapel Hill Mayor. Gary Kahn

This Week in Orange Politics: June 1-7

Budgets will be the focus for the both the county commissioners, Chapel Hill Town Council and Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board this week. The Carrboro Alderfolks will talk about the rezoning of the Triem/South Green Lot, while the county commissioners will discuss the Eubanks Road Solid Waste Convenience Center and Southern Government Services Center in addition to their already-mentioned work on the budget. GoTriangle will present the environmental impact studies done of the Durham-Orange light rail corridor.

Both the Hillsborough Town Board and Orange County Board of Education are on break this week.

Here's the 



Candidate Filing Begins for 2015 Elections

Candidate filing for municipal offices and the Chapel-Hill Carrboro School Board begins at 8:00 am at the Board of Elections office in Hillsborough.


Monday, July 6, 2015 - 8:00am


Orange County Board of Elections

2015 OP Candidate Coming Out Party

Join us from 5:30pm to 7:30pm for our 2015 Candidate Coming Out Party. The location is DSI Comedy Theater at 462 W. Franklin Street in Chapel Hill.


Friday, July 17, 2015 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm


DSI Comedy Theater at 462 W. Franklin St. Chapel Hill



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