Last night marked the first meeting of the Orange County Board of Commissioners this year and hopefully the first post in a push by OrangePolitics to take a deeper look at the board and its biweekly meetings. Since the board had not met in over a month, the agenda was quite crowded, but a few items are worth delving into.
George C: The Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization
(DCHC MPO) is currently evaluating transportation Alternatives for the
region that list future highway, bus transit, light rail, bicycle,
pedestrian and other transportation projects to be implemented through
the year 2035. Citizens are encouraged to review the Alternatives and
provide feedback.
A Hands: The workshops consist of DCHCMPO planners meeting with the public to answer questions and discuss the plans--i.e. you don't need to be there for the full three hours,
and you won't be asked to "do" anything (except that that they'll give
you a simple one page feedback form with five questions about
investment priorities, funding and policies.)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008 - 12:00pm to 3:00pm
Chapel Hill Public Library
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