
The county reckons with new-fangled technology

Tonight the Orange County Commissioners had a work session including two items related to technology. In the first, a consultant from the UNC School of GOvernment (how many of those are there?) presented Strategic Information Technology Plan which prioritized investments in tools for citizen engament and delivery of services. They also heard a brief update on the county staff's attempt to make agendas more electronically accessible through clean, searchable PDFs.

Joint meeting of BoCC and both school boards

SAPFO isn't perhaps the most interesting topic the BoCC deals with, but it will become critical if we have to stop all development in town.  Agenda (link below) for our joint work session with the county and both school systems includes discussion of some modifications to SAPFO.



Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 7:00pm


Southern Human Services Center

Charterwood Setting Terrible Precedent

Sent to the Chapel Hill Town Council on 9-10-12:


Dear Chapel Hill Mayor and Town Council:


I wish to thank those of you planning to vote against approval of the Charterwood development on September 12, 2012.  It shows your recognition of the terrible precedent being set by the developer’s legal maneuver of merely recombining property tracts in order to circumvent neighborhood rights associated with the protest-petition.


Frustrating week

So far this week, my e-mail to the school board was trapped in their spam filter (and not discovered until after they voted on the subject of the e-mail), and then I went to a public hearing at which the county commissioners did not in fact accept public comment. Not a great week for civic engagement.

Wow, you can search all e-mail to Chapel Hill Mayor and Council on the Town's web site.



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