
Open Office Hours with Council Member Lee Storrow

At the start of the new year I'll be hosting another round of Open Office Hours in coffee shops across Chapel Hill. Please stop by if you have issues you would like to discuss, or just want to hear more about what local government is doing. 


Wednesday, January 30, 2013 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm


TRU Wine + Deli

Open Office Hours with Council Member Lee Storrow

At the start of the new year I'll be hosting another round of Open Office Hours in coffee shops across Chapel Hill. Please stop by if you have issues you would like to discuss, or just want to hear more about what local government is doing. 


Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm


Weaver Street Market in Southern Village

Open Office Hours with Council Member Lee Storrow

At the start of the new year I'll be hosting another round of Open Office Hours in coffee shops across Chapel Hill. Please stop by if you have issues you would like to discuss, or just want to hear more about what local government is doing.


Monday, January 21, 2013 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm


Joe Van Gogh in Timberlyne

Chapel Hill and Carrboro Should Send Gig.U RFP Back to Drawing Board

The Town of Chapel Hill and the Town of Carrboro should not authorize their managers to continue with the Gig.U (aka North Carolina Next Generation Network [NCNGN]) initiative at this time. Both elected bodies should direct staff to send the request for proposals (RFP) back to the drawing board for repairs.

The primary reason to reject the current RFP is that local governments could not enforce important parts of agreements that could come from a resulting contract. Municipalities all over North Carolina have been stripped of any legal authority to franchise or regulate either cable or broadband systems. This is important because, as the current RFP is structured, this is how the towns would make sure we all have access to a new fast network.

Continue the Historic Rogers Road Task Force

As many OP readers know, the Historic Rogers Road Task Force has been meeting for the last year to discuss strategies to bring sewer service and a community center to the Rogers Road neighborhood. At the last Assembly of Governments meeting, there was a discussion about whether the task force should continue to meet next year. Michelle Johnson, Molly DeMarco, and I have drafted the following letter to deliver to the county commissioners prior to their January 24th meeting asking them to continue the task force. If you support this effort, please sign onto our petition prior to January 17th. 

Dear Chair Jacobs and Orange County Commissioners:



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