
Foushee officially sworn in; HD-50 appointment process begins

With Sen. Valerie Foushee taking the oath of office today at the Chatham County Courthouse in Pittsboro, the appointment process for her replacement to represent House District 50 can officially begin.

If you've been following the news, though, you know that there are already several declared candidates for the seat, and that things have already unofficially begun.


hi all, I just filed my financial campaign report today , and like to thank  those who did not contribute to my campaign. A  very warmly Thank You. Gary Kahn. PS  And to those who still do. Im still able  to accept funds' again thank you. Gary Kahn



Hi all, Even though I Was not invited to the forum, I attended the Central West Focus Committee Meeting. Gary Kahn

Now Who Pays? The Impact of New North Carolina Legislation and Budget on Local Government Services

The League of Women Voters of Orange, Durham, and Chatham Counties will sponsor a voter education program entitled Now Who Pays? The Impact of New North Carolina Legislation and Budget on Local Government Services. The goal of this program is to promote greater understanding of the effects on local county governments of the State budget and tax legislation enacted during the 2013 session.

Kelly McCullen, Host of UNC-TV's Legislative Week in Review, will open the program with a summary of the new tax legislation and other outcomes from the 2013 legislative session that impact funding of local services.

The specific impacts on local budgets, revenue sources, and services will be discussed by Charlie Horne from Chatham County, Deborah Criag-Ray from Durham County, and Michael Talbert from Orange County, each representing a County Manager's office..

The program will be held Thursday, September 19, from 7pm to 8:30pm, at Extraordinary Ventures, 200 S. Elliott Road, Chapel Hill. The program is open to the general public. Admission and parking are free.


Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm


Extraordinary Ventures, 200 S. Elliot Rd, Chapel Hill

Why Are High-Level Positions Almost Always Filled With Non-Local People?

It’s standard procedure. When we need to find a new County Manager or Superintendent of Schools or other top-ranking staff member, a consulting firm (usually also non-local) is paid to winnow the field of applicants from across the country. Then the appropriate local body makes their choice and awaits the arrival of the new person, someone who has likely received training for employment administering homogeneous systems used everywhere in this huge, diverse country.

Granted, there are so many rules, legalities, and standard operating procedures in government that the priority may necessarily be to find someone who has proven adept at dealing with the bureaucratic labyrinth and standard policies.

By accepting this priority we are effectively saying that local knowledge of the history, people, policies, environment, and politics of our town, county, or school district is secondary to knowledge of how to govern according to the state or nationally prescribed norms and requirements.



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