OCDW host judicial candidates

Received via OP contact form:

Just wanted to let you know that the Orange County Democratic Women will be hosting many of the judical candidates at their next meeting on April 24, 2008. All judicial candidates from the Supreme Court to our local District Court race who are registered Democrats have been invited to attend and speak about their campaigns, and the women running for statewide seats on our appellate courts will participate in a discussion about the importance of women's voices on the bench. We hope you will share this information with your members and join us. The event will be held at the Chapel Hill Museum on Thursday, April 24, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.

Thank you.

Samantha H. Cabe



Thursday, April 24, 2008 - 3:00pm


Chapel Hill Museum

Neal / Hagan Forum

It’s time to replace our do-nothing Senator Dole with a hard-working Democrat!  Come hear NC Senator Kay Hagan and Mr. Jim Neal, Democratic candidates for US Senate next Sunday, and make an informed choice in the May 6 Primary.

The Orange County Democratic Party and the UNC Young Democrats present the US Senate Candidate Forum on April 13 in the auditorium of the Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building of the UNC School of Social Work, 325 Pittsboro Street, Chapel Hill. 

The event starts at 2:00 pm.  Each candidate will speak and then answer questions from the audience.  You are invited to meet the candidates before and after the event.

Public parking is available in a parking deck underneath the Global Education building next to the Tate-Turner-Kuralt building and on side streeets.

For more information about other Democratic candidates’ events, click Campaign Clearinghouse.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 - 10:00am


Auditorium of the Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building of the UNC School of Social Work, 325 Pittsboro Street

Rally for Moses!

Women for Carey, a group supporting county commissioner and North Carolina Senate candidiate Moses Carey, are holding a “Rally for Moses” on April 13 at the Big Barn in Hillsborough from 4 to 6 p.m.

The event is free to the public and will feature live music by the Baron Tymas Jazz Trio, the St. Paul AME Church Men’s Choir and Billy and Anne Barnes. Recorded music will be provided by Monty Clark of the Doug Clark Hot Nuts Group.

Light refreshments will be served.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm


Big Barn in Hillsborough

Ellie Fest 2008

This is a novel way to campaign! ;-)

Ellie Fest 2008
is a celebration of State Senator Eleanor Kinnaird's contributions to the state of North Carolina and a rally for her re-election campaign. It will be held on Sunday, April 6 from 2-5 pm at the Carrboro Town Commons.

Performances including bluegrass and roots musician Tim Stambaugh, “kids music for grown-ups” from Jimmy Magoo, and the energetic Latin sounds of Saludos Compay.
Roving puppets from Paperhand Puppet Intervention.
Special guest speaker State Senator Janet Cowell.

Refreshments available from Open Eye Cafe.

What: Ellis Fest 2008
When: Sunday, April 6, 2-6 pm
Where: Carrboro Town Commons

Please forward to all who might be interested!

You can get a flyer at Ellie's web site: http://elliekinnaird.org/pdfs/elliefest.pdf


Sunday, April 6, 2008 - 10:00am to 2:00pm


Carrboro Town Commons

County Commish Candidates '08

Here are some hastily scribbled notes from last night's forum to meet the new cast of county commissioner candidates hosted by the Dem Women of OC.

From the DWOC handouts :

OC is going to a 7 member CC Plan; D1 = 3 members, D2 = 2 members + 2 "At Large" members. District 1 is the 71,389 people in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School District. District 2 is the 44,142 of us that make up the rest of the rest of the county. In 2008 4 commissioners will be elected. D1 gets 2 seats, D2 gets one seat and one "At-Large" seat. 3 Commishes are not up for re-election until 2010: Alice Gordon, Barry Jacobs and Mike Nelson.

From notes:

Valerie Foushee D1 - (D-CH) uncontested "safe seat" - spoke on community mental health needs and diversity in housing, said state offered current county commissioners only 2 choices in raising taxes: land transfer tax or sales tax, which she sees as more regressive

Mary M. Wolfe - At Large -- absent



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