Endorsements, please!

We have a big primary in North Carolina this year. I'm overseas and will be voting as soon as I get that ballot in hand. So, please share your endorsements here! Especially for the local and state offices; I'm already pretty clear on the presidential primary.

Editor's note: Joan wrote this a month ago, when many of us hadn't made up our minds. I think now people will have more to say. Consider this an official special rules thread. That is: You may only mention candidates that you are endorsing, please do not discuss people you don't support or why you don't support them. Comments that don't follow these guidelines will be removed. Thanks. =Ruby

Sierra Club Endorsements Announced

Upon recommendation of the Orange-Chatham Group's Political and Executive Committees, the North Carolina Chapter of the Sierra Club has endorsed the following candidates for elected office here in Orange County. The Sierra Club supports candidates with demonstrated knowledge of local environmental issues who will provide strong leadership on matters including growth and conservation.

Orange County Commissioner:

  • At-Large: Bernadette Pelissier
  • District 1: Valerie Foushee & Pam Hemminger

General Assembly:

  • NC Senate 23: Ellie Kinnaird
  • NC House 54: Joe Hackney
  • NC House 56: Verla Insko

Orange County Dems Hillsborough Meet & Greet

From OrangeDems.org:

Tuesday, April 29th - 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm – “Greet, Meet, Eat, and Learn,” sponsored by 6 Hillsborough precincts. Location: Kelsey's Occoneechee Steak House, 378 S. Churton, in Hillsborough. Various topics for discussion include: Voting information (ballots, who can vote, age limits, etc.); informal meeting candidates; who can vote in which primary; voting for county commissioners; information on the transfer tax.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008 - 2:00pm


Kelsey's Occoneechee Steak House, 378 S. Churton, Hillsborough

Jim Neal House Party for People Under 40

Graig and Jennifer Meyer, Joel and Catherine Grodensky, and Joseph Costa and Tamala Flack
Invite our friends under 40 years old to meet future U.S. Senator Jim Neal

Wednesday, April 16
6:00-7:30 PM

This is a special opportunity for young voters to meet our future Senator in a personal environment. We invite you to join us for this special event. If you are ready to send Liddy Dole back to Kansas, you need to meet Jim Neal.

Suggested donation:
Friends under 40 years old - Pay your age!
Friends over 40 - You're welcome too! Please pay your age + a $20 surcharge.
Make checks payable to Jim Neal for Senate
Donate online here: http://jimnealforsenate.com/

Just a short distance west of Carrboro in Orange County.

RSVP with to Graig at jagmeyer(at)earthlink.net for directions.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm


Home of Graig and Jen Meyer



With husband and wife pair Kevin and Mary Wolff running as Republican and Democrat for the same At-Large County Commissioner seat, the message is clear. Elect him, err, her, err... The bizarreness of the whole situation still hasn't rubbed off yet.



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