About This Web Site
Many of us have lamented the inability to force commenters to register here. I have been looking forward to the new version of MovableType (the software that powers this site) because it includes a comment registration system called TypeKey. Since OrangePolitics.org is a community service written and managed entirely by volunteers, it's obviously important that the software has been free for us to use.
Well that new software was finally released this month, but the free version is now limited to only one author. We currently have about half a dozen authors, and hope to add more someday. So this pricing change present a serious barrier to upgrading. Especially since we hope to syndicate the model of this site for other communities. (ChathamPolitics.org anyone?) With the current version of the software we're using, I can expand this way without limit.
Guest Post by Sally Greene
Congratulations to Ruby! Orangepolitics.org was named by the Independent Weekly today as "Best Blog" in their "Best of the Triangle."
Our own pick for Best Blog is a site that demonstrates how effective the
medium can be as a civic forum: Orangepolitics.org, created by activist
and techie Ruby Sinreich, is a buzzing site full of news about every
conceivable issue: school merger, town'gown relations, traffic, you name
it. Local politicians, activists and commentators often contribute guest
posts, and the message boards host some very lively debate. The site is
elegantly designed and constantly updated, despite being ad-free and
non-commercial. We wish every community in the Triangle had an online
venue like this one.
Sally Greene is a member of the Chapel Hill Town Council. She can be reached at sally AT ibiblio DOT org.
I am pleased to announce the OrangePolitics.org Readers Digest! Subscribers to this e-mail list will get a weekly summary of new posts and occasional previews of what's to come.
The list is announce-only, which means that no-one can post to it but the Editors of the site, and there will be no replies or discussion. You will only hear from us once a week and your name will not be shared with anyone else.
* e-mail
Fields with a * are required. Thanks!
I just wanted to let folks know that I have made major improvements to the search engine for this site. You'll find it beneath the archives on the right side of every page. Speaking of the archives, there is now a "master archive" of all the posts on the site. That is listed after the topical and monthly archives also in the right-side navigation.
Lots of conversations naturally stray off of the original topic. We have a problem when people intentionally try to disrupt conversations, incite flame wars, or generally aggravate readers. These people are trolls. Personally, I try to ignore posts if they're not on-topic or at least interesting. I encourage others to do the same. This is the best way to fight trolls.
In my continuing effort to improve the quality of discourse at this site, I am experimenting with a system to test the addresses of people who post comments. If the address given is fake, the post will be removed. Your addresses will not be used for any other purpose, in fact they will not even be stored anywhere.
About Us
OrangePolitics is a not-for-profit website for discussing progressive perspectives on politics, planning, and public policy in Orange County, NC. Opinions are those of their authors. Learn more.
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