Counter-inaugural action

I've been hearing about a number of local events being held to protest the Presidential Inauguration (January 20th). What will you be doing?

Inauguration Party '04, Thursday 1/13 8:30 pm, Nightlight
Stolen Nation Productions presents: screening of Fahrenheit 9/11, snacks, blow off some steam at the letter-writing table. "Come on, feel the rage!"

Inauguration Day Peace Vigil in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Thursday, 1/20, 7:00 pm
Carrboro Farmers Market, 301 Main Street, Carrboro, NC

• Hear the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
• Bring and light a candle for peace
• Sign a peace register
• Music by the United Voices of Praise Choir
Sponsored by the North Carolina Council of Churches

“While some dance at the inauguration ball, people continue to die in Iraq.”

A short road trip away...
Protest Bush's Inauguration, Thursday, 1/20 5:00 PM
Federal Building 401 W. Trade St Charlotte NC 28202
We will let the world see that the people of the United States are taking a stand against the criminal war in Iraq and in defense of people's rights at home. Join us for this demonstration in solidarity with the protests in DC & around the world. Bring signs & candles to light at dusk.

And a longer road trip (via the Independent's calendar)...
United for Peace and Justice ( urges participation in the protest activities being organized by two groups: the D.C. Anti-War Network ( and Turn Your Back on Bush ( Visit the DC-based Web site for housing and ride boards, resources, meeting information, and more.

Special rule for this thread: please only comment ABOUT LOCAL EVENTS. If you want to complain about the President or the people protesting him, take it to a national blog. Any comments not following this rule will be subject to editing or removal.



Film Screening - Battle of Algiers
ETC Auditorium, NC School of Science & Math
Corner of 9th St. and Club Blvd. in Durham

Thursday, January 20 8:15 PM, FREE

Spend not one damn dime, write your congressmember and come see Battle of Algiers.

Gillo Pontecorvo's 1966 classic is considered one of the most influential historic films about modern politics in the Middle East. Shot in the streets of Algiers in documentary style, the film is a case study in modern warfare, with its terrorist attacks and the brutal techniques used to combat them. The Battle of Algiers vividly recreates a key year in the tumultuous struggle for Algerian
independence from the occupying French colonial forces in the 1950s.

Nominated for 3 Academy Awards (Best Screenplay, Best Foreign Film and Best Director) and winner of the Grand Prize at the Venice Film Festival, this film also bears the distinction of being banned in France in 1965 and screened by the Pentagon prior to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The Battle of Algiers is a film with astonishing relevance - the echoes of which can still be heard today.

view the trailer at

This screening is free and open to the public. For information and directions go to the website or email:

I just saw "The Battle of Algiers" last night and not only is it an excellent film, it is AMAZINGLY relevant to our current occupation of Iraq.

It illustrates the futility of using violence against a grassroots movement for self-determination. If you "cut off the head" you only re-distribute more power to the people. Just like you or I, the people must be free and will settle for nothing less. I highly recommend this film. Thanks for showing it, Joyce!

Here's another event I just heard about:

Friday January 21, 8:00 pm to midnight at Durham Arts Council, 120 Morris Street

For all those who helped make the NC Triangle a BLUE DOT in a Red State in the 2004 Election! Come celebrate all of our hard work to build a democratic community. Learn how you can stay involved in our community. Featuring: Lise Uyanik and the Mobile City Band The Oh-No-Guration of George Shrub (comedian Dave Lippman). Tickets: $15 in advance at Regulator Bookstore (cash or check only) or online Ticket price includes 2 drink tickets and light hors d'oeuvres. Cash bar. (Tickets purchased after January 18 or at door: $20) Space is limited. Only 300 tickets will be sold.

Women's League for Peace (WILFP--hope I got the name right) is holding a vigil in front of the Post Office noon-1pm. I believe it is in support of the not-one-damn-dime national campaign to stop consuming on inaugaration day.

I'll be organizing the protest against the Carrboro Police Department and the Orange County Court System for their unconstitutional and illegal activities regarding Miranda violations, ethnic profiling, and torture of suspects. Great meet up opportunity for progressives and community activists!

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Not One Damn Dime Day as a way to protest the administration's policies on Iraq:

Any boycott has good points and bad points. Money seems to be what makes this administration take notice. But it won't really hurt them--instead it will hurt small business owners.

I'm sure the more conservative participants on this forum will object to this form of protest, but they are the ones taunting us liberals to DO something.

"not one darn dime" sounds almost as silly and ineffective as the "great gas out" scam that pops up every year. How will delaying or accelerating your purchases to avoid spending money on a certain day have any noticeable impact? I guess the reality isn't what's important--as long as you feel good about yourself.

I notice that one of the links that was provided above talked about "supporting the troops"--since you mention "doing" instead of "talking", what do you "do" to support the troops? I don't consider "wanting them to come home" a form of "doing". Have you considered sending a donation to the USO ( This is something that you can DO that really will show our men and women serving overseas that you support them, regardless of whether you support the war or not.


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