Tuesday, November 18, 2008 - 2:30pm
Southern Human Services Center, 2501 Homestead Road, Chapel Hill
County Commissioners to consider adoption of the Comprehensive Plan with revisions.
Agenda materials will be posted on the County’s website, prior to each of the above meetings, under “Meeting Agendas”.
Agenda materials will be posted on the County’s website, prior to each of the above meetings, under “Meeting Agendas”.
Orange County Comp Plan Coalition Does Not Support Proposal
The Coalition's position statement is found on it's website along with more background information. Our main problem is the process under which the plan was developed. The Planning Board did not have time to consider all the public comments they received within their designated meeting time this summer. The shortcuts selected to overcome this problem shortchanged those who took the time to engage in the process. Two Coalition members conveyed these and other concerns to the Commissioners at their Nov. 6 meeting. More detail about our concerns are found in a short article where we note the difference between token public participation and citizen power.
FYI, it appears the Commissioners intend to adopt the proposed plan on Nov. 18. On Nov. 6 Commissioner Jacobs indicated that opportunities to re-examine the public comments may be possible during the plan implementation phase. Other than that not much is known about the implementaion process other than what is found on pages 10-12 of the proposed plan's first chapter, which happens to call for adopting "within the first year of plan adoption" a tall work order:
"A set of evaluation criteria, including a set of sustainability and community building indicators, or metrics, together with specific action statements will be developed for each Plan Element by each Element Advisory Board with assistance of County staff"
Allan Rosen
Does a rural airport fit into the Comprehensive Plan?
What is your take from your understanding of the Plan?
I don't recall any reference to an airport
Mark, each of the plan's seven core chapters includes a needs assessment section. I've not checked to see if a need for a rural airport was identified in any chapter, but I doubt it. You can access each chapter individually online if need be to check for yourself. Start with the Economic Development & Services and Facilities chapters.
Each chapter also includes a list of Goals and Objectives, and I don't recall mention of an airport in any objective either.
FYI, the plan is not yet a plan.This is by design. The County Commissioners, Planning Department, and Planning Board intend to convert this document into a plan during the implementation phase, likely to begin early next year.
IMHO, the plan is full of shortcomings. I'm concerned that the plan will do little to change the status quo (high cost of housing, anemic commerical tax base, etc.) if concerned citizens are not constructively engaged in the implementation phase.
Allan Rosen
No airport
....other than RDU is mentioned in the document. Neither is there any reference to a county airport/jetport in the "Five Year Stratigic Plan"
The five year plans does mention as two of the "wonderful assets" that are attactive about Orange County:
I pointed this out to Brad Broadwell in an email exchange last month. Not much success, as he seems to have taken offence when I suggested it was part of his job to be informed about the issue before making statements to the press. As in aside, the thin skin for criticism seems odd for someone in his position and who has made the public statements he has been credited with, so I suspect he just did not want to have the conversation.
No new airport in local planning
I am sure the BOCC are
I am sure the BOCC are relieved not to have an airport on their plate as they deal with a comprehensive plan. It will be interesting to see if the airport special interests (who ever they are) can succeed using UNC as the front for their effort. I can't imagine that the University is all that thrilled about being point person, even with the relief that would come from closing Horace Williams.
There is good reason for the White Cross people to be worried if an airport is really proposed. There is no where else in Orange that a airport could be put without substantial costs for building a runway.
Everybody can relax, however, with things the way they are: an economy in the toilet and University budgets threatened by drops in State revenue. If the economy comes back and Carolina North takes off, look out White Cross.
Special interests -whoever they are?
The Chapel Hill News reported that Jim Heavner of Vilcom and J. Adam Abram of the James River Group met secretly with Moeser and convinced him to fund an economic benefits study & even contributed $15,000 apiece to the $100,000 study.
And Special Interest Hall of Famer Roger Perry is the Chair of the UNC Board of Trustees.
Does Heavner
Heavner, notice of airport in plan
I don't check the FlightAware website daily or even weekly (depends on what I'm hearing overhead sometimes) and have been out of town a lot lately, but have seen his company's plane noted in arrivals/departures since the summer. No reason whatever to think he's relocated his plane (or planes? - very hard to tell from n-number registration lists who actually owns and uses a plane).
Re: the comprehensive plan: IMHO the only reason to expect explicit notice of an airport in a plan like this would be if it were a done deal with full county support and enthusiasm. The absence of any notice simply means that the issue is not part of planning-for-public-consumption as yet. That isn't necessarily good news, but it may just be no news.
is owned by Heavner Communications, LLC.
Recent Usage:
From the FAA -N97VC
Don't know
Trips to Hilton Head vs. UNC's mission
The same way...
Kenan Stadium Project
It is my understanding that the Kenan Stadium project will be funded through private contributions. You or I may not like what other people choose to donate their money to, but UNC cannot redirect restricted funds for other uses. I sure would not want them redirecting my paltry contibution to the Arts and Sciences scholarship fund.
That's right
State Funds for Kenan
In the State budget passed in the last session there was $50 million allocated for Kenan upgrades. My memory is that there was another $25 million or so for other athleti facilities and then about another $50 million for academic (?) pursuits. I'm sure someone who has a better memory than I can correct me if I'm wrong but I distincly remember the $50 million for Kenan.
I Stand Corrected (but still think priorities misplaced)
Calling it an educational foundation is a bit of a strech IMO!
Kenan Stadium Expansion
I did a cost-benefit analysis of the Florida State football program when I was in graduate school. It amazed me how much money their program brought into the university and to the community. Plus there are long-term life benefits for all the players and their families.
I don't know what the payback period is for the $50m on Kenan, probably not as short as it would be on the Dean Dome, but as long as the funds are not coming from tuition resources, faculty/staff salaries, or research, I suspect it's an economic investment in Chapel Hill's economy.
Only if
the team matters in the ACC. "Field of Dreams" and Kevin Costner notwithstanding, I think the old adage "if you build it they will come" applies more to the team than the stadium.
The University is also narrowing the road between Manning and South Road and adding streetscaping. Should we eliminate that project? Streetscaping doesn't contribute to education, and unlike Kenan, it won't generate any revenue for the town or the university. It will generate jobs though, just like the stadium renovations. Were all those public works jobs during the 1940s (WPA) frivolous or did they create jobs and help pull the country out of a deep recession? Do students really need high tech classrooms to learn or are those projects frivolous as well?
Streetscaping does enhance education
Not a stretch
$50m for Kenan NOT State funds
The $50 million for Kenan (authorized by the same bill that set up the airport authority) is NOT state funds, it is an authorization to expend that much, to be fronted by a special obligation bond, but repaid by gifts, grants, ticket sales, student fees, etc (ignore the Medicare reference, it is not relevant to Kenan but is boilerplate because some of the authorized projects are medical facilities).
SECTION 1.1. The purpose of this act is: (i) to authorize the construction by certain constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina of the capital improvements projects listed in the act for the respective institutions, and (ii) to authorize the financing of these projects with funds available to the institutions from gifts, grants, receipts, liquidating indebtedness, Medicare reimbursements for education costs, or other funds, or any combination of these funds, but not including funds received for tuition or appropriated from the General Fund of the State." (emphasis added by me, your humble drafter of that bill)
The real question
Is why are so many alumni more interested in seeing an amazing athletic product than an amazing academic product?
Sure, people can contribute how they like. But adding more seats to a 60K seat stadium?
Public relations