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seats up
I'm sure the posse will post this with more clarity, but since I had to look it up, I'm sure others don't know exactly what we're voting on this spring (filing starts Monday):
Current BoCC terms ending this year:
Bernadette Pelissier
Pam Hemminger
Valerie Foushee
Steve Yuhasz
Yay, challengers!
I'm thrilled to see a Democratic challenger in this race and I hope there are a few more. The current Board of Commissioners doesn't seem to be working for anyone but Frank Clifton, and it's becoming clear we need a change.
District 1
Somebody needs to step up in District 1 and replace Pam Hemminger. With the new screwed up district system, she ran unopposed four years ago, never had to educate herself for forums, and continues to be primarily a seat-warmer at BOCC meetings. Seriously, anyone with a pulse could take her spot.
District 2
Glad to see some competition in District 2. Hopefully we'll get someone that actually represents district 2 viewpoints. Haven't seen that yet in curretn 2 District 2 commissioners (ie sales tax )
District 1 - Hemminger
Please allow me to stand up for Commissioner Hemminger. While we cannot endorse candidates - we have working relationships with most elected officials - and can share our experience.
We have worked closely and effectively with Pam.
For us, an important criteria for any elected official is a
willingness to engage in open and informed discussions with the citizens.
Here’s Pam's track record as we see it:
Pam has been
open and available - and willing to work with us on the important issues that
face our communities. We don't always agree - but everyone has a voice.
That makes all the difference.
Pam now has a forum of 4 years of service - I'm sure she'll be happy to put her track record on the ballot.
I look forward to meaningful chatter from OP on the upcoming elections. It
would be helpful to learn more about the candidate’s results - not their rhetoric.
Bonnie Hauser