Good news: the Human Rights Center at Abbey Court has a nearby home under contract.


Congrats to both parties, now I wonder if the neighborhood will be as receptive. There are no fences  Weakness is provocative.
"One of the most noble things you can do is kill the enemy."-Maj. Douglas Zembiec

Am I digesting this correctly? "
Latino or Burmese refugees. "....."The house also has room for a long-awaited day laborer center where people can wait in a safe place out of the elements; learn computer, ESL and other job skills; and get help with employment problems. Blau said they will ask the town for a sign at Jones Ferry and Davie roads, where the workers now wait for jobs, to direct employers to the new center." What is the legal status for these workers? How is it legal for anyone to hire them if they are not here legaly?  cw  Weakness is provocative.
"One of the most noble things you can do is kill the enemy."-Maj. Douglas Zembiec

All of the Burmese refugees are here legally and are eligible to work. Since 1990, 92,000 refugees been granted refugee status - the largest group admitted to the US (if my sources are up to date).


May I assume as the latinos were not addressed they are here illegaly? Weakness is provocative.
"One of the most noble things you can do is kill the enemy."-Maj. Douglas Zembiec


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