New Elementary School Details

WCHL is reporting on that Elementary 11 Construction Early Phase To Begin Next Week. More info on the Town of Chapel Hill website at CHCCS Elementary School 11



Some interesting site plans and building sketches to be found at those links. My biggest question is a selfish one: anyone know when the the districting will change to allocate students to the new school? I (and Brian) live about a half-mile from this site and would love to be able to walk there with our son, who will be turning 5 in 2014.I'm also curious when and what it will be formally named? It seems pretty logical to call it Northside Elementary, but I imagine there might be other proposals. Per an old suggestion we had about naming Carrboro High, James Brown Funk Spirit Elementary would also be an interesting choice. 

For the record, I'm not happy with my comments in that thread and want to say that we're now 1.5 years from when my son will proudly enter Carrboro High (although almost all his friends will be elsewhere, but that's a different issue).  I appreciate Cat's comment there that I suffer from poor story-telling as much as any prejudice against Carrboro. On the issue of what to call Elementary #11, I thought Howard and Lillian Lee had promise but now that's not possible, my mind is completely open.  Except James Brown Funk Spirit, maybe not...

Redistricting to fill Elementary #11 and the naming process will start in the fall.  

I don't have a very strong opinion about this, but wasn't the previous school on that site called Northside Elementary?  Why would we go with a different name?The days of segregated schools are an unfortunate chapter in American history, but I think we should embrace that history rather than sweeping it under the rug.  When segregation ended, the CHCCS Board did not integrate all of the existing schools.  They closed all of the African American schools and integrated the white schools.  Without passing judgment on why that was done, it did have the side-effect of threatening to wipe away the role that black public schools played in the community.Perhaps naming the new school Northside Elementary would honor the legacy of our segregation-era African-American schools, teachers, coaches and principals (and principles for that matter).  As with Morris Grove Elementary, the name of the school itself could provide a "teachable moment."I say all that without having heard any other suggestions for a name. 

The reasoning is sound and the naming fitting.  I worry desegration will be forgotten now that our neighboring school district to the east has shown the way on how to re-segregate with the blessings of the newly configured supreme court.

Does anyone know if current elementary school students who end up being redistricted to Elementary No. 11 would have the option of remaining at their current school?

In past elementary redistrictings, only 5th graders were allowed to
remain at their original school.  Their families had to provide their transportation.  I would be very surprised if this changed but all of
this will be confirmed next fall.


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