Chapel Hill Long Range Transit Plan

I just left a public information session put on by the Town of Chapel Hill about the Chapel Hill/Carrboro/UNC Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), as discussed on the Town's website. Chapel Hill's plan includes the assumption that the LRTP of the Durham-Chael Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) will be adopted and that light rail will be a reality along the NC 54 corridor and on some of US 15/501. Other than that admittedly optimistic assumption, the plan is extremely feasable. Don't get me wrong, I desperately hope that light rail will implemented, but it is far from assured.

I did leave before the end of the comment period, but I asked the planners what their thoughts were about collaboration with regional entities such as the DCHC MPO, CAMPO, the Counties, and even Duke University. The feedback I got from that question was extremely positive, indicating that regional planning has come a very long way since I moved here 20 years ago. I'm happy to help with any coordination that I can help with, although I don't know how much I can do. There will be an identical presentation of this same material on 12 Jan. at 7 pm in the Chapel Hill Town Hall Council Chamber.


I'm new in town, so I don't know anyone's names, but I was sitting in the far left section on the aisle several rows back,behind the gentleman from Carrboro with long hair who asked several lengthy questions (you may have missed that part).I thought the session lived up to its billing, although the I'm a bit disappointed that the presentation didn't include much about ways to build more transit-friendly neighborhoods with CH/C. The study talks a bit about transit-oriented development, but nonetheless the study largely focuses on how to funnel people from the outskirts of town into the center. Expansion of local transit is, as they said at the presentation, "implicit and explicit" in the study, but there's a bit too much implicitness vs explicitness for my tastes.A large part of that focus likely is because these types of projections are, as the presenters said, what the federal government looks for when it decides on funding local transit projects. And admittedly these larger projects will form the backbone of the system, with the local buses filling in the pieces in between in Chapel Hill and Carrboro. With the composition of our local council, I'm optimistic these plans will be approved in some form and we can move towards building these systems. At the same time we must continue to concentrate on our neighborhoods and our local transit systems and ways to make our community less car-dependent and more sustainable.

Hi!  Welcome to the area.  I did have to run off and do a bit of work this evening, so I left just as the gentleman from Carrboro was starting to ask questions.In case you didn't know, the gentleman sitting to my right was Ed Harrison, Town Councilman, who is also active in the DO Transit group.  He's looking for Chapel Hill residents who are interested in transit to help interface with that group. -Bryn


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