According to the Chapel Hill eNews, the NC Department of Transportation and the Town of Chapel Hill will share the cost of "rehabilitation and expansion of the traffic signal system serving Chapel Hill and Carrboro." Part of this project includes the replacement of old copper wire with fiber optic communication cable. This means hopefully sometime in 2011 we'll have a fiber network to deliver broadband Internet connections to people via wireless. Now we need to stop legislation built to prevent municipalities from building networks.
From the Town of Chapel Hill eNews: (subscribe here)
- Rehabilitation and Expansion of Traffic Signal System: The Council approved a plan for the rehabilitation and expansion of the traffic signal system serving Chapel Hill and Carrboro. The $5 million project with the NC Department of Transportation requires a local cost-share of $450,000.
The State recently informed Town engineers that the project funding schedule has moved up two years earlier to 2009. A tentative schedule calls for project design this fall, construction in April 2009, and completion in 2011.
In addition to replacing obsolete equipment and old copper wire communications system, the Town has set aside an additional $500,000 of capital funds to include fiber optic communication cable in the system upgrade. The project could help ensure that the Council's vision of universal broadband services throughout Chapel Hill becomes a reality.
At the Town's request, the upgrade will also include closed-circuit television equipment at selected locations, new system detectors, pedestrian countdown displays, replacement or upgrade of existing cabinets and controllers, new or revised signal phasing, emergency vehicle preemption at selected locations, bicycle activated loops at selected locations, and transit priority on selected corridors.
Now it is VERY important that we continue to work against State and Federal legislation that would restrict the Town of Chapel Hill from using this fiber optic for a broadband network.
Recently we dodged a bullet when HB 1587 (The Local Government Fair Competition Act) was pulled at the start of the Utilities Committee meeting last Wednesday. Thanks to constituent emails this bit of proposed legislation was reconsidered. BUT this type of bil will return. Here is what the League of Municipalities had to say about it.
Telecom companies want to restrict local government authority to provide communications services to citizens
Last session, the telecommunications companies pushed for and won statewide franchising of video services, claiming that the local franchising process hampered competition. That state franchising legislation imposed very little regulation and did not require companies to serve an entire community.
Now, the telecom companies are pushing HB 1587  Local Government Fair Competition Act, which would place significant roadblocks and restrictions on any local government that wants to provide communications services  including cable, telephone, electronic voice, data, audio or video transmission and Internet access  to its citizens.
Access to high-speed broadband service is critical for the future economic development of our state as we attempt to replace our lost textile, tobacco, and furniture jobs. HB 1587 will effectively prevent local governments from bringing high-speed broadband to North Carolina communities, especially to rural and distressed urban areas. Through their opposition to build-out requirements, the industry has made it clear they have no intention of investing in such areas.
Municipalities are already subject to numerous public scrutiny and public accountability requirements for all infrastructure projects. These new Draconian requirements are simply designed to prevent deployment of local broadband networks, whether done alone or even in partnership with the private sector.
The League opposes HB 1587 because it seeks to undermine local authority to undertake enterprise activities  authority that has been upheld by the courts.
This bill was scheduled for discussion before the House Public Utilities Committee this week, but was not taken up. Please call your representatives and ask them to oppose this bill.
(Side note: Heads up Town of Carrboro. Legislation could unfairly regulate how your existing network is run!)
Let your State Reps know that any bill that would restrict or over regulate the creation and maintenance of a municipal broadband network is WRONG!
You can find names and
You can find names and emails of the members of the House Utilities committee here. (MS Exel file) If you choose to contact them.
In case you missed this
In case you missed this relevant article...
The article Charlie links to
The article Charlie links to above is a good cautionary tale... but comparing building a wifi network to a monorail boondoggle is a classic pro-business fear tactic.
That said building a muni wireless network is a huge risk. So is widening I40 which has lost millions due to mistakes.
Does that mean we should not be building municipal networks because something may go wrong? Of course not. Get ready folks for the not stop argument of so called fiscal equity on building the infrastructure of tomorrow. If we were so conservative about building public water and sewer we'd still be using outhouses!
No great project worth doing is without glitches and mistakes. What we should be doing is learning from other municipalities mistakes. One important thing to consider is how to support a network AFTER its constructed.
Brian, have to disagree on
Brian, have to disagree on the risk. To be selfish about it, the first stage of this process will reduce our governments cost of delivering existing services. You can measure the payback directly by looking at today's bills for Time-Warner and other telecommunication services off-loaded to private carriers. The ROI from this is not risky.
Again, still within a purely support role for local government, this new infrastructure provides new opportunities for delivering a new calibre of service - for instance, Holly Spring's example of improving their inspections departments efficiency enough to save filling 5 additional staff positions. While we continue to waste money on 900mhz tech for first responders, the new infrastructure will allow us to be much more flexible in adopting a next-gen emergency communications system.
There's many more examples of the concrete rewards of a community-owned fiber backbone that involve little or no risk and quite incremental cost of adoption.
Of course, once we have this wonderful asset (the new plank road?), we'll be able to use it for economic development, bridging the digital divide, advancing eco-friendly home-based business, etc.
ROI may not be risky but
ROI may not be risky but lack of planning and bad partnerships sure as hell can be. My point is we must pay attention to other Muni network roll outs. Risk aversion is a bad argument against muni network construction. (the basis of the article linked above)
HB 1587 (The Local
HB 1587 (The Local Government Fair Competition Act) to be considered again. Already!
Sample email to send to
Sample email to send to Reps.
If the telecom industry was
If the telecom industry was providing us with up-to-date broadband service at reasonable rates, their efforts to stymie municipal efforts to provide same might be understandable. As it is, the US of A, is nowhere near the top in up to date broadband service. Countries such as Korea are ahead of us in providing faster access to the internet at half the cost. I am aware of no efforts to provide "fiber to the home" by telephone companies in North Carolina. This facility would make DSL service faster than the cable company"s boradband available. Across the USA only Verizon is providing this facility in a limited number of communities. That being the case, efforts by telcom interests to hobble community efforts to provide accessible broadband are intolerable.
The House Utilities
The House Utilities committee met yesterday. They tabled the vote until wed. June 6. Plus they added some really bad stuff to the bill. Now localities "could" become telecommunications service providers BUT would be subject to all kinds of bad stuff. I wrote about it on in a post called HB1587 is still bad. Please check it out and consider emailing your House Rep.
BrianR is right, the
BrianR is right, the modifications are reprehensible. This also, unfortunately, demonstrates the risk our Town and its leadership ran as they have shilly-shallied for the last 3 1/2 years.
BTW, Brian you've done an excellent job covering these issues. Anyone interested in promoting "the" economic tool of this decade should be following your posts. Thanks for all the great work.
The Chapel Hill Town Council
The Chapel Hill Town Council passed a resolution last night opposing House Bill 1587 aka The Local Gov't Fair Competition Act. Thank you Mayor and Council! They join the City of Wilson and the City of Fayetteville in their opposition.
How about Carrboro and Orange County?
The Carrboro board of
The Carrboro board of Alderman passed a resolution opposing hb1587 last night. Thank you Mayor and Alderman!
How about Orange County?
Here is a video of the NC
Here is a video of the NC House Public Utilities Committee Vote on HB1587.
Orange County passed a
Orange County passed a resolution against HB1587 on Tuesday night. Here is a copy.
5 years from now the $500K
5 years from now the $500K we spend on fiber will be returning more bang for the buck than the $20M we would've invested in Lot #5....
From today's USA Today