What will northern Carrboro look like in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
Carrboro has launched a review and update of the small area plan for northern Carrboro. Two public meetings are planned so that the town can get input from you and your neighbors on how you would like to see our town grow in the years ahead.
Registration for the event on Saturday morning, April 21, begins at 7:45 while the program itself starts at 8:30 and ends at noon. It will take place in the McDougle School cafeteria.
After a presentation on the current plan (PDF) by staff, there will be facilitated small group discussions of issues of concern to attendees. Subsequently a committee will work on the outcomes of this meeting to prepare presentations for discussion at a public meeting on Saturday, June 16.
Potentially to be addressed are a range of land-use, environmental, and economic development issues.
Dan- is there any way to get
Dan- is there any way to get the maps visible? When I look at the PDF linked above, the exhibits are all blank pages.
I'll look into it.
I'll look into it.
The maps are included on the
The maps are included on the web as separate JPGs or PDF files, but are not included in the PDF of the plan itself. Here's a link to the page where they can be viewed or printed.
Herald article on
Herald article on yesterday's meeting is here.
The second forum is this
The second forum is this Saturday, 8:30 am, McDougle cafeteria.
The committee has been busy working through the input from the April forum and, as I understand it, Saturday's meeting will be to move the focus toward specific proposals.