Walking around downtown Hillsborough last night, my partner and I came across this flyer on a public bulletin board:
A mayor who's a realtor
Has a cloud in his vision:
When he looks at his town
He must see a commision.
Three cups of Joe
Just might lead to a wreck
A tall, cool Tom Something
Is a REALTY check
I'm not sure if poetry is an effective political vehicle in this case, and the accusation is a little shallow, but it certainly is different. You would think after someone being the mayor for two terms you'd have more to complain about than his profession.
Based on neighborhood yard signs, Tom Stevens definitely seems more popular than Joe Phelps in the downtown historic district. Not surprising since Tom lives there.
Hey, look what I came
Hey, look what I came across. Curiously, I found it on my computer:
Wednesday, After the Storm
Fed by hot waters
She scythes
Her maelstrom
Her shearing wind
In protest where
Tides surge
People caught
Pining for
Safety for
She does not bring
Nor understands
A fury half
Concealed by an eye
That lulls
And does not blink
Where a town once
Stood a town stands
Still after the storm
The temporal lies
Of wind and gale
Gone Gone
Gone at last
Haiku never hurt --- Its
Haiku never hurt ---
Its early to guess
but I think '08 will show
politics are fun