OP.org on the Radio!

Tomorrow on WUNC's The State of Things, they will be discussing politics and the Internet (blogging, in particular). The guests will be Zephyr Teachout of Howard Dean's Blog for America, Greensboro uber-blogger Ed Cone, and... me! Of OrangePolitics.org! Wooo!

You can listen at noon and 8 pm tomorrow (Thursday 12/11) on WUNC, 91.5 FM.


Heard you on the radio Ruby. You did an excellent job. I do think that this site provides a place for the exchange of ideas. Keep up the great work!!!

Thanks for listening, y'all. I hope I represented us well. Sadly, I had to go back to work, so we didn't get to continue the conversation much more. Before the program started, Ed and Zephyr both said they thought local blogging was where it's at.

I hope to have audio clips and maybe a photo online soon.

Listen to the entire radio interviews and also just what Ruby had to say at http://www.yesh.com/ruby/

I recommend that Dean and his supporters start to ask questions about Afganistan and why third of the nation is still unsafe? Why the pictures of the fallen soldiers are not allowed to the public? Why are we not allowed to see the injured soldires arriving back home? Are they affraid that the public may turn against the war in Iraq? Why Bush has not released the pages pertaining to Saudi connection on the 9/11 report? Why Bush is not allowing the POW from the first Iraqi war to receive compensation from frozen Iraqi funds?

Hi Ruby,

Nice site!

Heard you on NPR yesterday. Great job!


That's awesome! Congratulations! And like Mark, I'm interested to hear if you all said anything interesting that we couldn't hear. There was a pretty neat profile of Zephyr Teachout in last sunday's NY Times Magazine. It's really cool that she was on The State of Things in the same week.



Caught the 8 PM last night. Great show. I think this will generate more activity among those looking for a local politics forum (if it hasn't already).

Dear Ruby, I am a registered Republican, and a McCain supporter. I had a chance to listen to you on NPR yesterday and was very impressed. I really don't like what is happening to this country and I want to do whatever I can to improve this state of affairs. I will continue to watch your progress and see What Dr. Dean can convey/offer to us.

Hi Ruby,

I agree with Mark -- you were great! And we all

you thanks for your efforts. I have two questions,

one of which was touched on briefly in your discussion

but not analyzed enough.

First, Thad Beyle shows that the fraction of people

who vote goes up with age -- well established. But

the fraction of people who use computers goes down

with age. So how do the Dean people know that all this

internet enthusiam will actually transfer into people who

will really vote for Dean?

Second, not enough time was spent on the relationship

between the the print media and the internet media.

We've seen here in CH that reporters are reading OP,

and even using its info, but there is no guarantee that

any of us are who we say we are, so how can they be

certain as to its accuracy?

Joe Copperfield, brother of David

Ruby, you sounded GREAT. Congratulations!

Fine job, Ruby!

It was nice hearing you and Zephyr while I was out on the road.

I'm interested in knowing whether you and Z and Ed were able to continue the discussion off the air...anything else you can share with us?

I was going to call in to note that what's going on at orangpolitics.org is very different from what Z and Ed are doing. You've really distinguished yourself by being successful at creating a community with multiple authors/opinions/issues etc. a challenge they don't have to deal with quite so much.


Ruby and OP and the radio show get props from uber-blogger and cluetrain engineer, Doc Searls, at the link above. Some early parts of Ruby's history are recounted -- it's a must read.

Way to go, Ruby! I know you'll be great!


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