Ruby Sinreich's blog

Northern area hearing

Tonight the Chapel Hill Town Council will have a public hearing on how to manage growth in the sprawling northern part of town. The Manager is recommending changes to the comprehensive plan that will effectively adopt the report of the Northern Area Task Force and focus transit-oriented development in certain areas. Learn all about it on the Council's agenda.

Local activists Neighborhoods for Responsible Growth (NRG) held a meeting about this last week and will also be presenting their opinions at the hearing.

I will be watching this meeting tonight and plan to report here as it goes along.

Update: Much more complete information is available at the Town of Chapel Hill web site.

OPTV Election Week 2007

The last video went over well, so here's another. I recapped what went on on the site this week, and managed to keep it under 14 minutes...

Sorry for the errors and weird editing. The fan noise is actually my laptop (which is recording the video) so I can't turn it off. I'd like to get it shorter, but that would actually take me longer! Your feedback is welcome. I'm learning...

And FYI, OPTV is archived here.

More election stuff

A few things I want to note but don't have time to write a full blog post about...

Blogger Xan Gregg created some interesting charts showing the results in Chapel Hill.

Chuck Morton wrote a really thoughtful essay on his web site about his experience running for mayor of Carrboro. Not only do I hope he stays involved with Carrboro politics, I hope he starts a blog so we can continue to enjoy his thoughts and opinions.

I noticed that the returns came in incredibly quickly from the Board of Elections on Tuesday night. While there were some glitches with machines over-counting, they were are all resolved quite easily. The Carrboro Commons (student publication) has this story about the technology and people behind the election returns.

There is no pundit of the year!

Well this was a very interesting year. No-one in the survey predicted Jim Ward coming first (by 7 votes!), so we have no absolute victor. In fact as a group, the averages of our predictions were off base in a few places. I guess that goes to show, that we should do more thinking for ourselves, or get out into other neighborhoods more (as I think Fred told us last time).

Where did the hive mind get it right? Collectively, we predicted the correct results for all the mayoral races (cinch), we got the Aldermen right except the top two, and we got the top and bottom right in the school board race. For a bunch of people from Chapel Hill (10 of the 21 participants) we sure did't seem to know Chapel Hill voters very well!

Three people got the order right in Carrboro: Ed Neely, Patrick McDonough, and one person who declined to give their name. And only one person got the order of the School Board race right: Damon Seils!

A lot of us got knocked out of the running by listing incumbents Joal Broun and Jamezetta Bedford as top voter getters, when challengers actually took the top slot in both of their races!

Preliminary results

All of the initial tallies are in except for provisional votes (those are that are cast in the wrong district but then moved to the correct district).

This is just shamelessly cut and pasted from the County web site, with a little visual augmentation by me. Check back on OP soon for some of Damon Seils' fabulous maps.

Last updated at 10:06:37 PM on 11/6/2007
37 of 38 precincts reported

Click on desired office to view results

Chapel Hill Mayor
Chapel Hill Town Council
Hillsborough Mayor

Hillsborough Board of Commissioner

Carrboro Mayor
Carrboro Board of Alderman

Chapel Hill - Carrboro Board of Education

Chapel Hill Mayor

Kevin C. Foy
Kevin Wolff

Battle Park



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