Ruby Sinreich's blog

Bill of Rights Day & other good stuff

Our late friend Joe Herzenberg organized the Bill of Rights readings at the Franklin Street Post Office. Let's keep his work going with a reading on 12/15 and other events going on this month.

The following announcement comes from local activist Peggy Misch.

Local events in December:
UNC Constitutional Convention, 9AM -5PM, December 1. Attend session at 3:30 PM only, if you wish.

Reading of Orange County Human Relations Commission's proclamation for HUMAN RIGHTS WEEK, HUMAN RIGHTS DAY, and BILL OF RIGHTS DAY, 7:30pm, December 3, New Court House, 106 East Margaret Lane, Hillsborough (at County Commissioners' meeting). Call me (942-2535) to carpool.

Reading of Mayor Mark Chilton's Bill of Rights Day proclamation, 7:30PM, December 4, Carrboro Town Hall, 301 West Main Street.

Vigil to Honor Human Rights Week December 10-16: Noon, December 12, Peace and Justice Plaza (corner of Henderson and East Franklin Streets), Chapel Hill. Sponsored by Women's International League for Peace and Freedom-Triangle Branch. Information: 942-2919.

Thinking ahead

There's been some justified hand-wringing lately how hard it is to get to our public library. As Chapel Hill Town Council Member Mark Kleinschmidt noted, the library's location and site plan are "really very car-centric." I get a little snitty when I hear this kind of observation. Of course he's right. But why wasn't it so obvious to the Town before we sited and built the library? After all, it's not like no-one pointed this out at the time.

Granted, none of the current members were on the Council when the Library was built over 15 years ago, but there was a different group of 9 "environmentalists" sitting at the same table and this is what their advisory boards told them:

A foot in the door to Carolina North

Given that UNC is proposing to build the Innovation Center on MLK Boulevard as the gateway to Carolina North without having submitted their plans for the entire campus, we should all be watching this development closely.

I only live a mile away from where this will be built, but unfortunately I can't go to this "community meeting" next week (I have a date with a Congressman that night). Hopefully some of you will go and report back on what they're up to.

The University and Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. are planning the Carolina Innovation Center on the Carolina North property at the corner of Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard and the former Municipal Drive. The Innovation Center will provide an environment where innovation-based companies affiliated with the University can turn laboratory concepts into viable businesses.

Brad Miller comes to Carrboro

My husband Brian Russell and I are hosting an informal reception for Congressman Brad Miller to meet local bloggers and talk politics. Although he doesn't represent our congressional district, I feel like Brad often represents us in spirit by supporting many of the causes near and dear to Orange County's heart.

I think he's a very smart guy, and the fact that he wants to do an event like this speaks volumes about his values. You don't have to be a blogger and you don't have to give a contribution to come. Hope to see some of you there.

Please Join Congressman Brad Miller for a discussion hosted by Ruby Sinreich of and Brian Russell of about the impact of blogging on today's political environment.

When: Thursday, November 29, 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Where: Mill Town Restaurant, 307 E Main St, Carrboro

Suggested Donation: $10
Cash Bar

Fun tonight

Tonight there are two meetings of interest to you social activists. At 6 pm, UNC will hold a forum on the chancellor selection process, and at 7 7:30 pm the County Commissioners will meet at the Southern Human Services Center to discuss the new search for a place to put a future waste transfer station.

I will add more information when I am back at my computer.


The Chancellor's Search Forum will be from 6 pm to 8 pm in Gerrard Hall on campus (between the Campus Y and Memorial Hall). More information and video of previous forums is available at:

The Board of Orange County Commissioners meeting starts at 7:30 at the Southern Human Services Center on Homestead Road. The waste transfer station is item 7b (PDF) on the agenda:



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