Mark Chilton's blog

African-American Representation on the Chapel Hill Town Council

Whether it is by accident or amounts to a local tradition, the Chapel Hill Town Council has had African-American representation continuously ever since the election of Hubert Robinson in 1953.  Since that time, R. D. Smith, Bill Thorpe, Roosevelt Wilkerson, Barbara Booth Powell, Edith Wiggins and Jim Merritt have maintained a continuous presence on the Council. 


I remember the disappointing results in key elections in 1993, when Democrats, fresh off a tremendous Presidential victory in 1992 became complacent and Republican activists got upset and activated.  New Jersey’s incumbent Democratic Governor, Jim Florio was knocked out of office.  That same year, Republicans seized control of the Virginia Governor’s Mansion, bringing us George “Macaca” Allen. 

Herrera's New Family

Congratulations to Carrboro Alderman John Herrera on his recent remarriage.  (A beautiful wedding ceremony it was, too!) John's new blended family has six (!) children and I received the news this afternoon that his new family is making a new home in Holly Springs, which necessitates his resignation from the Board of Aldermen.

I want to say that although I will miss having John on the board (and in Carrboro), I know he is doing the best thing for his family and I wish him all the best.  I am also confident that John will remain a leader in North Carolina and I look forward to hearing what he is up to next.  Congratulations and thanks for your service, John.

Here's the email he sent the BOA:

How Proud the N&O Must Be

Why do I bother participating in OrangeChat, the News & Observer's blog on Orange County?

The reporting is fine, but the comments are terrible.  It is mostly a bunch of snarking from John "Elvisboy77" Kramer and a few others.  The comments are only occassionally enlightening or penetrating.  The ones worth reading are so few and far between that it hardly seems worth bothering with.

For example, two days ago Mark Schultz posted a blurb about Elizabeth Edwards opening a store in downtown Chapel Hill:

What's the response?  Let's hit some highlights:

What she NEEDS

The 75-year Plan?

Partly because I ran for the Chapel Hill Town Council in my Senior Year (Fall 1991), I took five years to graduate from UNC, but I have absolutely nothing on Griffin Miller who will graduate from UNC this Saturday - 75 years after enrolling as a Freshman:

On many levels, Mr. Miller, congratulations!




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