District Judge

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There are 4 local District Court Judge races. Only Democrats are on the ballot. Two have no competition (Beverly A. Scarlett and Jay Bryan). On the ballot Sherri Murrell has competition (Lunsford Long) but Judge Long has withdrawn from the race but is still on the ballot. Logically everyone should vote for Murrell because if she doesn't win, the current governor could appoint to the future vacancy created by Long. The only real contested race is between Samantha Cabe and Sam Cooper. Tomorrow 9/29/16 there is another forum for the district judges sponsored by Orange Democrats.

REMINDER: District Court Judicial Candidates Forum

The Orange County Democratic Party will be sponsoring a candidate forum with candidates for the Long and Anderson seats on our local District Court. Candidates for these seats include Samantha Cabe and Sam Cooper (Anderson seat) and Sherri Murrell (Long seat).

This forum will take place  Thursday, September 29 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at the Lake Hogan Farms Clubhouse (101 Commons Way, Chapel Hill). 

This event will be moderated by OCDP Chair Matt Hughes and OCDP Vice Chair Susan Romaine.


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