derrick jensen

This Week: Just Do It!: A Tale of Modern Day Outlaws! & Deep Green Resistance Roadshow

Do you want to seel real change in the word and in the way we live on this planet?  Are you tired of hearing about species going extinct everyday, methane plumes in the Antarctic, dead zones in the ocean?  Would you like to meet more people like yourself, and create a reinvigorated movement.  If so, then you're in luck, because there are two events coming up this week in Chapel Hill for you!

Thursday  June 21st, free screening of the documentary film Just Do It! A Tale of Modern Day Outlaws 7 p.m.  405 W. Franklin St.@ Internationalist Books

Saturday June 23rd, a presentation by the Deep Green Resistance Roadshow from Wisconsin 7 p.m. @ Internationalist Books 405 W. Franklin St.

 Descriptions below:


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