Bill Faison
Note: All the following maps were made by my resident GIS specialist, Jason Baker. Use the checkboxes to toggle the display of old/new districts.
The events in state politics over the last two weeks have served as a reminder that election season is now here. Candidate filing for the May primary starts today. This will also be the first election to use the newly drawn maps for the NC House, NC Senate, and US House districts. These maps alter (rather drastically, in some cases) how Orange County is represented at the state and federal level, so I thought it would be helpful to provide a summary of the changes in each district.
Guest Post by Matt Compton
The facts are pretty clear. Barry Jacobs got outspent by about $41,000 on Tuesday. But I’m not so sure that was the deciding factor in the House 50 race. In fact, there were at least three other things that contributed to Barry’s poor performance everywhere north of Hillsborough, and they in turn, led him to lose the race. These are simple observations. In most cases, I don’t have scientific evidence to back up my perceptions, but I think they are valid nonetheless.
1) The "Push" Poll
I don’t think Barry Jacobs had anything to do with the poll that was conducted by the State Employees Association of North Carolina, but it didn’t help him at all. SEANC made it a point to play hardball in this year’s primary, targeting five races, but for the most part, their efforts did more harm than good. Faison showed good political instincts by responding to the charges early and hitting back hard. Jacobs didn’t have a good answer when he was asked about it, and that left a bad taste in peoples’ mouths.
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