From the Town of Chapel Hill web site:
Give Us Your Input on the New Greenways and Cycling Map1/7/2011Posted Date:
Calling all bikers, hikers, and anyone who uses Chapel Hill’s trails and greenways. You’re invited to drop in and provide input for a new Greenways and Cycling Guide Map. A public meeting will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan.13, in the Chapel Hill Town Hall second floor training room.
The Town of Chapel Hill Planning and Parks and Recreation departments are working with Steve Spindler, a cartographer specializing in cycle facility and transit mapping for urban areas, to develop a community map aimed at facilitating and promoting bicycle and greenway usage. Spindler will give a short presentation at 6 p.m. about mapping projects he has worked on and how his work has been used and distributed in other cities.
During this event, Spindler and Town staff will be available to discuss the information that makes urban cycling and greenway trail maps most effective. The Town is seeking public input so this map will benefit visitors, cyclists, and trail users of all types for years to come.
For more information, contact Garrett Davis of the Chapel Hill Planning Department at gdavis2@townofchapelhill.orgor 919-969-5061.