
We've got stickers, and questions for you


To celebrate the launch of the new OrangePolitics (and the fact that I finally made a logo), I had some new stickers printed! They are sturdy vinyl and will look great on your car, bike, or skateboard. Come say hi to me at tonight's Chapel Hill Town Council meeting (or any place else you see me) and I'll be glad to give you one - until the first 50 I printed run out.

And while I'm here, now that you've used the site for a few weeks, do you have any feedback or suggestions? I know a few things have been pretty clunky (like saying you "forgot" your password to access your account) and there are some things that still don't work yet (like OP Junkie e-mails).

Have you noticed the fun, new stuff, like the member list? You can click on anyone's voting precinct and see who else is registered there. How about the moderated anonymous commenting - are you ignoring those in gray or treating them like other comments?


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