waste transfer station

Millhouse Road is in the Rogers/Eubanks neighborhood

You can't turn your back on the BOCC for a second. The Rogers/Eubanks community is back in the mix for the Transfer Station. As I have said previously the fight for environmental justice is far from over and vigilance is required. What is Foy thinking? And Jacobs was the original Sassaman buddy so Jacob's position is no surprise.

My heart goes out Reverend Campbell and Neloa Jones. Just as it appears that they are approaching the top of the mountain, voila, there is another vertical cliff to scale.


Preserve Rural Orange meeting on solid waste transfer station

From the OrangeChat blog:

UPDATE: Preserve Rural Orange HAS POSTPONED tonight's meeting on plans for a solid waste transfer station due to the weather.

The meeting is NOW scheduled for 7 p.m. SUNDAY MARCH 15 at the White Cross Recreation Center, 1800 White Cross Road west of Carrboro. 

Speakers include Orange County Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson. At citizens' urging, the county is now looking at alternatives to a transfer station such as hiring a contractor to haul trash to another area outside the county and possibly exploring waste to energy technology, although offiicals have previously said the county did not generate enough trash to make that feasible.



Sunday, March 15, 2009 - 3:00pm


White Cross Recreation Center, 1800 White Cross Road

A Sad Day For Orange County

Thursday, December 11, marks a dark moment in Orange County’s history. At the County Commissioners’ meeting that night, all the attending Commissioners, except one, voted to pursue the placement of a Waste Transfer Station in the heart of Orange County’s farming district and alongside the Cane Creek Reservoir.   

Live tweeting waste transfer hearing at the Commish

Among other things on the County Commissioners agenda tonight the siting of the proposed waste transfer station. John Rees, an avid cyclist who lives in Dogwood Acres, is there and posting updates via Twitter. Here are his updated posts in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest):

Eubanks Road off the preferred list (for now)

The Board of County Comissioners finally has seen fit to not included Eubanks Road in the narrowed list of proposed sites for the transfer station. While it ain't over till it's over, this is most welcome news. It looks like the BOCC has made strides in redemption by coming down this time for social and environmental justice.

The fight that the Rogers/Eubanks road community has waged for their neighborhood now has victory in their sights and with that victory will come a victory for the soul of Orange County. This has been a struggle that has taken decades.

Special kudos go to Reverend Robert Campbell and Neloa Jones for showing the perseverance and fortitude to make their case time and time again and lead their community against the odds. It proves that community activism and participation can make a real difference and overcome what at times seem like a never-ending series of obstacles.

However, vigilance is still required.




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