
National Equality March & Presidential Speech

It's happening right now. Today is also national coming out day. And President Obama gave a speech yesterday on the eve of this event. A busy weekend for gay rights.

National coming out day "is an internationally-observed civil awareness day for coming out and discussion about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues" (wikipedia). And today is also the day of the National Equality March which comes just as the Hate Crimes law (Matthew Sheppard Act) is about to be signed into law, and just before Congressional hearings on repealing DADT are going to take place.

Last night President Obama gave a speech on the eve of the march at an HRC event (the largest US lgbt rights org) and discussed many things. The whole speech was about 25 minutes, but this 6 minute clip of the middle section of the speech is where he mentions Hate Crimes, inclusive ENDA, DADT, DOMA, & Immigration/Aids:



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