
Update on a proposed large CVS in downtown Carrboro

Back in November, I posted about the large development CVS is proposing to build catty-corner from the Century Center.  (see here).  Since that post things have been moving along quietly.

Here is a quick recap of whats going on...

Carrboro Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan Information Workshop



4:00 – 7:00 pm (DROP-IN FORMAT)

On CARRBORO TOWN COMMONS (at the Farmer’s Market)

Thank you for attending the first public workshop for Carrboro’s bicycle transportation plan, back on April 10th. The second workshop will be held on July 23, 2008 on the Carrboro Town Commons, at the Farmers’ Market. Please stop by anytime between 4:00 - 7:00 PM to learn about preliminary recommendations (this will be new information from the consultants), talk to Town staff and project consultants, and provide more of your input to the process.


Attached is a flyer for that meeting. Please feel free to distribute this so that all Town citizens are informed.


In addition, you can visit the project website:, which houses current project information and contains a link to an online comment form for you to fill out (if you have not done so already).


Thank you for your time. Happy and safe bicycling!


-Town of Carrboro



Adena Messinger, Transportation Planner

Town of Carrboro

301 W. Main Street

Carrboro, NC 27510



Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 12:00pm to 3:00pm


Carrboro Town Commons (site of the Farmers' Market on west main street outside the town hall)



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