Sanitation 2

Chapel Hill Personnel Appeals Committee approves firing of Clyde Clark by 5-1 vote

Town Personnel Committee denies appeal of Bigelow's firing

I just received this PDF of the Town of Chapel Hill's Personnel Appeals Committee from the attorney for the "Sanitation 2" Al McSurely, who writes: "Two out of five ain't bad. The decision for Ms. Rebecca Clark's nephew is due out this weekend, Sunday. We will be holding a Sanitation 2 Support Service next week, as this popular education process begins to move into its second phase. "

Three committee members voted against each of the points of Kerry Bigelow's appeal, and in most cases two voted for the appeal. A decision on Clyde Clark, the other half of the "2" is expected this weekend. The members are: Chair Anita Badrock, Delores Bailey, Asila Calhoun, Jim Curis, and Derek Hoar. The memo does not state which members voted in which ways.

Here's an excerpt from one of the findings... 

The REAL story behind the "Sanitation 2"

Dozens of people are commenting in public at rallies, in newspapers, and in Town Council meetings about how two men, Kerry Bigelow and Clyde Clark, were fired from the Chapel Hill Public Works department last fall. However, almost none of those people have access to the private details of the personnel decision that was made by the Town. How is it that these folks have a better understanding of the Manager's decisions than the Manager? Why don't the two fired workers make these details public? As Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt pointed out tonight, they and they alone can speak publicly about their ongoing appeal process with the Town.

I am increasingly alarmed at the confidence of statements I hear from people who seem to know almost nothing about the situation. No-one likes to see people lose their jobs, but I haven't heard any evidence that the Town has done anything wrong, and I'm not willing to condemn any staff members nor elected officials - who are legally obligated not to comment on the matter, especially while the appeal is ongoing.

Do you know the truth? If so, please spill the beans. If not...


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