Rural airport

Economic Devolopment

To achieve a port civilization economic activities cannot be limited.  In a broad way of understanding the best functioning cities where food, shelter, and a life of the mind are most advanced, the city or town must make itself into a destination for its citizens and its visitors.

It must be for those that live there a destination achieved once they get out the door of their home.  Great places are like that.

The office of Transportation Planner for the Town of Carrboro is open, and I applied for it because it is an area of my study.  All of my study of governance results from my determination to build a nation of airports and spaceports.  The caveat that has made my work difficult, in one crucially dramatic and pivotal way is that to normally achieve the foundation of a nation, one gets the national identity from a war.  Blood sacrifice is required and I have not been willing to forment war.


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