OC Justice United

How to improve day laborer conditions in Orange County

The work conditions that day laborers experience are an ongoing issue in Orange County. Through the work of Orange County Justice United, I have learned that day laborers in Orange County are often both Latino and African American, contrary to popular thought that all are illegal immigrants. Some of the Latino day laborers are here legally, but are unable to find work in the formal economy. Many of our day laborers face challenges including wage theft and unsafe work conditions where they may be injured, but do not have insurance to cover treatment, and run the risk of being robbed of their pay, often given in cash.

Community Assembly on Education

An event for parents and high school youth to share stories about our schools with a professional organizer.  This will inform our education agenda for Orange County Justice United going forward.
  • Bring your concerns about Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public Schools
  • Bring your ideas for change
  • Bring your commitment to organize for change
  • Bring your friends!

 For more information and transportation needs, please call Tish Galu • 919.960.4437 • galu@bellsouth.net


Sunday, November 8, 2009 - 10:30am to 12:00pm





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