Hillsborough Town Board
It’ll be another busy week for Orange County’s elected bodies this week. The Hillsborough Town Board and county commissioners will hold a joint meeting covering an array of subjects from transit to economic development, while the commissioners will talk solid waste and the potential 2016 bond referendum earlier in the week.
The Carrboro Alderfollks will review the progress of the town’s parking management plan, while the Chapel Hill Town Council will hear comments on proposed changes to the Ephesus-Fordham form-based code district.
The Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board will consider its policy on weapons and work on revising the calendars for upcoming school years, while the Orange County School Board will have a meeting of its policy committee. Details on that have not been released.
Don’t forget to join us for our rescheduled editors meeting Thursday at the Looking Glass.
Here’s the whole rundown:
Three of Orange County’s elected bodies will be meeting tonight alone. The Chapel Hill Town Council will discuss a zoning atlas amendment and special use permit and receive reporters, while its Hillsborough counterpart will interview candidates for appointments and discuss the town’s noise ordinance. The county school board will consider its budget for the upcoming year.
Later in the week, the county commissioners will hold a joint meeting with the board of health and talk transit and septic systems at a work session.The Hillsborough Town Board will hold hearings on several special use permits.
Don’t forget to join us for our monthly editors meeting at Breadman’s on Saturday afternoon.
There is no meeting this week. The next meeting is a work session on April 21.
Solid waste financing will be the topic this Thursday when all of Orange County’s governing boards meet in Chapel Hill. That meeting will be immediately followed by a joint meeting of the county commissioners and Chapel Hill Town Council, where Rogers Road and a potential bond referendum will be among the topics up for discussion.
The Carrboro Alderfolks will be discussion the use of body cameras by police officers, while the Chapel Hill Town Council takes on community development block grants and Obey Creek. The county commissioners will meet with our state legislative delegation, while the Hillsborough Town Board will hear Mayor Tom Stevens’s state of the town address.
The county school board will discuss filling its current vacancy, while its Chapel Hill-Carrboro counterpart is own break.
This week, in Carrboro, Board of Aldermen will discuss tourism and the master plan for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Park. In Chapel Hill, the Town Council will meet to talk about bike/ped infrastructure at Ephesus-Fordham on Monday, Obey Creek on Thursday, and the future of the Southern Village Park and Ride Lot on Friday. In Hillsborough, the Town Board will consider adopting a new Vision 2030 plan. Here’s the full summary:
Though the Carrboro Alderfolks and Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board are both are break this week, it’ll still be a busy week for Orange County’s public bodies. The Chapel Hill Town Council will consider Obey Creek and talk about a number of other development proposals currently on the table, while the county school board will consider approving its strategic plan.
The Hillsborough Town Board will hold a workshop on stormwater and Riverwalk, and host a joint meeting with the county commissioners covering transit, economic development, planning and host of other issues.
Other events across the county this week include a town hall with Chapel Hill Town Council member Lee Storrow and a meeting of the Chapel Hill Transit Partners. We’ll also hold our monthly editors meeting Sunday.
Here’s the full summary:
There is no meeting this week. The next meeting is Tuesday, March 3rd.
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