Now that it is almost a year since we moved 14m miles south of ChapelBoro, I asked my self (I do talk to myself and I am not rich): "Self, what is it you most miss about living in ChapelBoro?" And self answered emphatically without hesitation "Why the Carrboro Farmers Market of course!"
I do go on Tuesday's to the Fearington farmers market and on Thursdays to the Pittsboro farmers market. They do not compare. For many years every Saturday at 8:00am from April to October I would head off the best farmers market in the triangle and return with the weeks fresh and tasty bounty. Eating is my second most favorite activity.
I may have to initiate a commute. I wonder if I could talk my neighbors into starting a Saturday Carrboro Farmers Market car pool. Hmmm...
Plagiarism avoidance:
1) Conversation with self stolen and paraphrased from Emeril Live
2) Second most favorite activity stolen and paraphrased from Woody Allen's Sleeper.