Downtown Partnership
I hear the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership is conducting a survey about parking. They are asking what kind of businesses we visit downtown and how often, where we park (if we drive), how much we want to pay for it (none, duh), and what our opinions are about towing.
They're not clear about whether the survey covers downtown Carrboro as well. They usually say that it is within their sphere of interest, but it will certainly change the results if Carrboro is included, don't you think? Anyway, make up your own mind and go take the survey now.
Will students shop there? Will downtown residents? Will it draw customers away from Carrboro's market?
The Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership is working with local farmers and the town's Parks and Recreation Department to establish an afternoon market on top of the Wallace Parking Deck this spring.
- | Chapel Hill seeks farmers market, 2/18/08
And my main question: Will the Town finally clean up the scuzz at the Wallace Deck? The place is currently filthy, dark, and smelly. One of the least appealing parts of our downtown.
I'm all about supporting local businesses, fostering vitality downtown, and sustaining local agriculture. But I'm not clear how a farmer's market makes the top priority list, especially when we have a great one established a mile away in Carrboro (and sometimes in Southern Village). I'd like to hear more about the rationale for this.
I just got this by e-mail:
The Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership has two available board positions beginning July 1, 2006.
The first is a Town of Chapel Hill appointed position. It is a three year term, running July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2009. Eligible applicants are downtown property owners that contribute to the Municipal Service District Tax.
Town Council will appoint this position on June 26, 2006.
The second is a CHDP board appointed position. It is a one-year term, running July 1, 2006-June 30, 2007. Anyone can apply for this position.
The Board will appoint this position in June 28, 2006.
To apply for either position – please go to and link onto the link at the bottom of the page for the application. The application should be sent to the Town Clerk's office ASAP.
The Daily Tarheel reports that the Downtown Partnership has picked a logo and slogan, and they are not impressed.
The Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership made a great leap forward in bringing more shoppers to Franklin Street, as it picked a slogan and a logo.
Unfortunately, it picked a fairly lame design that should be reconsidered.
The logo is a triangle that features a lamppost similar to those found on Franklin Street; the Old Well, representing the University; and awnings to stand for all the shops and restaurants downtown.
And the slogan that shall grace this icon of Chapel Hill commerce: "Sophisticated travel destination."
- Lame-o logo - Opinion, 5/25/06
It does sound pretty weak. Does anyone know where we can see the logo?
OK, all of you who have been complaining about the downtown environment, time to take a hike. The Downtown Partnership is organizing "clean and safe" walking audits to survey the area for problem spots.
People interested in participating in the audits -- 90-minute guided tours -- should contact the partnership at 967-9440 or
There will be daytime and nighttime audits for each section of downtown:
* East End auditors will conduct audits at 8 p.m. Dec. 8 and 8 a.m. Dec. 9.
* Middle auditors will conduct audits at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 7 and 8 a.m. Dec. 8.
* West End auditors will conduct audits at 1 p.m. Dec. 7 and 7 p.m. Dec. 9.
- News & Observer, 11/29/05
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