David Price

Lawson according to Price on issues

In a recent letter to constituents, Representative David Price described opposition candidate BJ Lawson's position on various issues.  It would be informative to get BJ Lawson's point by point response to each issue as described by Representative David Price.  Similarly, it would be informative to get Representative David Price's response to Price according to Lawson on the issues. I don't have the time to compile or find this one, if someone does please post it in the same format as this post but as a separate post.  Lets hope to get their responses ...

Why Dems for Lawson Support BJ Lawson

Why we support B.J. Lawson
This is a community of Democrats in and around the 4th District of North Carolina, and indeed from around the entire state and the entire country, who support the campaign of William "B.J." Lawson for House of Representatives. You may ask why we support B.J. when there is an 11-term and well-known Democratic incumbent, David Price, currently representing the 4th District. Well, for starters:

Debate for U.S. Rep. from the 4th District

In the upcoming election, for Progressives, is BJ Lawson an alternative to Representative David Price?  BJ Lawson is running as a Republican and his winning the NC 4th Congressional District could contribute to Democrats losing control of the House.  Does BJ Lawson believe that there is no role for government in regulating the financial system or industry?

On the other hand, how in the world could the question of a Republican possibly having a chance against an incumbent Democrat of our District be possible?  Could it be related to Representative David Price taking for granted the security of his position to the point of believing that voting for the Wall Street Bail-out twice, US Patriot Act, funding the war for many years (he has recently discontinued this, thanks!), sanctioning the most recent Israeli bombardment of Lebanon, voting in favor of the Bankrupcy law, not being against the bio-defense lab of Butner, etc ... not have any repercussions?

BE AN INFORMED VOTER: Come out and find out how these candidates compare with one another TODAY!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 - 2:15pm to 4:00pm



Price's opponent BJ Lawson raises $170,000 in 24 hours

David Price's opponent in the November election, BJ Lawson, raised $170,000 yesterday in what is apparently a Congressional record for one-day totals in North Carolina. He has raised $237,000 total since David Price voted in favor of the Wall Street bailout bill last week.

Lawson says his latest polls have Price at less than 50% support in the Fourth District, compared to his usual winning percentage of more than 60%. With 10% of voters left undecided, is it possible Price is in trouble this election?

Lawson's Orange County coordinator, Rev. Ray McKinnon of Hillsborough, is a Democrat who campaigned for Hillary Clinton in the May primaries. Lawson has sent out mailings with testimonials from longtime Democrats who say they're voting for one Republican this year, the anti-war Lawson.

I've always considered David Price to be pretty entrenched, so I'm surprised at these polling numbers. With a staunch opposition to the war, corporate welfare and Congress passing bills it hasn't read, it seems Lawson is making this a contest.

I'm looking forward to their debate next Tuesday, October 14, at UNC. 


700 Billion Positive Psychology and Buy-out for Wall Street Not Enough in Face of Casino Global Financial System

The stock market opens after the 700 billion tax-payer-money Wall Street bail-out dropping a further 200 points with markets all over the world losing value also.  Furthermore, US Bank Failures expected to rise despite the Wall Street bail-out.  The (non) effects of wasting 700 billion + losing 100 billion of tax revenue are already beginnig to be seen.  Meanwhile, Congress is in recess and addresing the fundamentals of the system has remained unaddressed.  Representative David Price feels secure in his vote for Wall Street as demonstated by his having voted twice in favor of this give-away even though his rival has been outspoken against the bail-out.



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