
Paid or Free Parking? Which one?

It's the age old debate. At least around these parts. Which Town parking policy is the best idea? Paid parking in Chapel Hill or free parking in Carrboro? Which policy is working better?

Forum Open Thread: Conversation With the Mayors

Welcome to the open thread for tonight's Conversation With the Mayors. There are three candidates running unopposed for mayor in Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough:

  • Alderwoman Lydia Lavelle is running unopposed for mayor of Carrboro.
  • Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt is running unopposed for reelection as mayor of Chapel Hill.
  • Mayor Tom Stevens is running unopposed for reelection as mayor of Hillsborough.

You can observe the forum at

We hope you'll use this open thread to post your thoughts and reactions. Also, if you want to propose additional discussion topics, you can reach the editors during the forum via Twitter, Facebook, or the contact page. The forum moderator will have final say in question selection.


Town Hall Series: Let your voice be heard!

As the new State Senator, especially one appointed by a committee, I feel an obligation to proactively engage my new constituents and give them the opportunity to voice their concerns. One of my favorite quotes is by Alastair Farrugia, "Freedom is when the people can speak;  democracy is when the government listens." I take that to heart and I hope these Town Hall meetings can be a positive conversation about how to move our state forward. We face a lot of challenges and I also want the opportunity to present my progressive agenda for the upcoming session. I understand the political realities of the General Assembly, but it's critical that we begin to articulate a Democratic agenda and fight back against the intolerant and harmful policies the legislature has given us. 
Here are the dates, times and locations of the Town Hall events:

Forum Open Thread: Carrboro Board of Aldermen

Welcome to the open thread for tonight's Carrboro Board of Aldermen candidate forum.

There are five candidates for three seats: 

You can observe the forum at

We hope you'll use this open thread to post your thoughts and reactions. Also, if you want to propose additional discussion topics, you can reach the editors during the forum via Twitter, Facebook, or the contact page. The forum moderator will have final say in question selection.


Carrboro Community Conversation on Zoning: A Downtown Destination

The third and final in a series of community conversations on zoning by Carrboro Planning Board.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm


The ArtsCenter



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