October 22, 2009 – Thursday 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Lake Hogan Farms Club House, 101 Commons Way.
A forum featuring Carrboro Mayor and Aldermen Candidates co-hosted by the Hogan Farms and Town Hall precincts.
Thursday, October 22, 2009 - 3:00pm
Lake Hogan Farms Club House, 101 Commons Way, Carrboro
The most recent posts on OrangePolitics are about HOV lanes, Joe Herzenberg, and the Herald-Sun redesign. What's missing is the lawsuit Carrboro won against Marilyn Kille, reports on recent voter forums, discussion of Monday night's Chapel Hill Town Council meeting and the unresolved issue of appointing Bill Strom's replacement. There's not even any mention of the highly contentious chicken slaughter. Ruby's pre-occupied with a new baby and a career. There was a recent post asking if OP is a public resource or Ruby's private playground. The answer may be in how people use the site rather than Ruby's intention.
The Arts Wing does not compete with teaching positions for funding. Construction projects are funded through construction bonds NOT the operating budget.
- Federal stimulus package provides $5.5 million in interest-free loans for qualified school construction.
The County Commission needs to vote to accept these funds, which would
I have been thinking more and more lately about how inappropriate the name 'Carrboro' is for a town that is so focused on alternatives to the single occupant motor vehicle. I mean, I realize the town is named after Julian Shakespeare Carr, rather than the ubiquitous vehicle of the 20th century, but still . . . having our town's name begin with that object that we are working so hard against just makes no sense to me.
Also, it is important to remember who old Jule Carr was. Mr. Carr was an officer in the Confederate Army, and later he was a captain of industry. He owned many, many businesses including several mills in Durham. And for most of his life he lived in Durham. He even called his mill in our downtown "Durham Hosiery Mills." In fact, we might just note that although he was a supporter of UNC, Jule Carr was also closely related to the Duke family. In sum, Mr. Carr was not actually all that much of a Carrboro kind of guy.
Everything is confirmed and the final details are being smoothed out for moving the ReCYCLEry from our wonderful Bolin Creek home of the past several years to 103 Padgette Lane, Carrboro. Padgette Lane is the small road that comes off of Main Street in between the recently vacated Performance Bike Shop and the Carrboro Arts Center parking lot.
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