For your researching pleasure, here are links to all of the websites I could find for candidates in Chapel Hill and Carrboro.
Alright, let's talk about Carrboro! This was written by a Carrboro resident who would like to remain anonymous:
The campaign trail has been fairly quiet in Carrboro, but much could be at stake for the Paris of the Piedmont. Four candidates are running for three seats: Incumbents Joal Hall Broun and Alex Zaffron will meet challengers Mark Chilton and Steve Rose in this election. First lets run through the Alderman candidates:
Joal Hall Broun, the Boards only African-American member, has been an Alderman for four years. Shes an attorney and mother of two. Chapel Hill observers will recall the unusual spelling of Joals last name; her father-in-law is former Chapel Hill Mayor Ken Broun. Joals vote against the Pacifica Development at the end of Hanna Street is no doubt going over well with folks in that area of Town. The Sierra Club snubbed Joal in its endorsements, which helps neither her campaign for Alderman, nor the Clubs lily-white reputation. It seems unlikely that this will affect her chances much, however.
Ed Caldwell passed away on Sunday. He will be missed, and fondly remembered. He served the community vigorously. He was actively serving on the Northside Neighborhood Conservation District (among other things) until he fell seriously ill.
Here's more info from the Chapel Hill Herald.
Yesterday's Chapel Hill Herald gave us a preview of the "Friends of Sunrise" forum. Excuse me, but who the hell holds their candidate forum on the same night as a Town Council meeting? Doesn't that sort of indicate that you are more interested in making your own points than hearing other people's?
They also gave the candidates questions in advance:
One of the submitted questions reads in part, "Do you think that the town should continue its current policy of ignoring I-40 noise?" Another question asks, "Do you think nonprofits should be allowed to build large-scale, low-income housing projects with public funds and with no public accountability?"
The question on the bonds reads, "Keeping in mind that property taxes have increased steadily over the past 15 years and many Chapel Hill residents have lost their jobs in the economic downturn, how would you justify that this is the time to initiate the largest bond package in Chapel Hill history? Are there other ways to accomplish the intended goals?"
"Four for Town Council"
When Chapel Hill voters cast ballots for Town Council in a couple of weeks, theyll be doing more than filling open seats on the towns governing board. Theyll also be deciding the course of development of UNCs Horace Williams tract, the future of downtown revitalization and other key issues.
This years Town Council race has been a fairly low-key affair because, unfortunately, no candidates emerged to challenge the mayor for re-election. But the issues couldnt be greater, particularly town-gown relations and the development of Carolina North. The outcome of those negotiations will require a combination of firmness and accommodation on the part of our elected officials.
Given that context, The Chapel Hill News endorses the following for election to the Town Council on Nov. 4:
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