Here is a listing of local blogs (and other web sites with RSS feeds). They are sorted by the most recently updated. Please contact us to add or remove a listing.
Progressive (or almost local) NC blogs:
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Here is a listing of local blogs (and other web sites with RSS feeds). They are sorted by the most recently updated. Please contact us to add or remove a listing.
Progressive (or almost local) NC blogs:
Disclaimer: These links do not constitute support or endorsement by OrangePolitics in any way.
I don't know how many of you read the News of Orange. I drop into their web site about once a week, which how often it's updated. They have reader polls to which I am strangely addicted. If they are at all accurate, then it certainly validates what folks say about the northern part of the county being way more convervative than Chapel Hill and Carrboro.
For example, this week's questions is "Do you favor the death penalty?" and the response so far is pretty much YES:
Yes 51.9%
Sometimes 11.5%
No 32.7%
Unsure 3.8%
Total Votes: 52
Do you think this is an accurate reflection of the county? If not, perhaps you should take the poll.
I know sometimes things that sound the same mean different things in different parts of Orange County. Could this "strategic growth plan" be an effort to slow and manage growth, which by most accounts has been pretty out of control in and around Hillsborough? It certainly has potential to be a good thing. Maybe some of you north of I-40 readers could help out.
The [Hillsborough Town] Board authorized Town Manager Eric Peterson to negotiate a contract with Chapel Hill-based Clarion Associates to develop a strategic growth plan. The town and Orange County are jointly creating the plan. The town will be recruiting town residents to serve on the steering committee, which will start meeting Jan. 22.
- | Orange County, 12/15/05
...And former Chapel Hill Planning Director Roger Waldon continues to do well in his second career as a consultant with Clarion.
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OrangePolitics is a not-for-profit website for discussing progressive perspectives on politics, planning, and public policy in Orange County, NC. Opinions are those of their authors. Learn more.
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