Mike Nelson's campaign for County Commissioner is demonstrating leadership on tech issues the likes of which we have not seen before in Orange County. I have proposed to Mike (and to other candidates) that Orange County should sponsor a technology summit for municipal staff and county residents to discuss how technology can serve us better.
The County Commissioners should look for a new manager who ‘gets it' when it comes to using technology in new and creative ways to deliver services more efficiently. In my experience, you have to have a leader at the top who understands what questions to ask and who understands that innovations can be put to work to improve public service and to reduce the costs of delivering those services. Additionally, technology can be used to provide our citizens with more information in a timelier manner.
- Nelson for Commissioner: Using Technology in New and Better Ways
Join Democracy North Carolina in Durham for Either of Two Policy Discussions on Campaign and Election Reform:
Wed., Mar. 29
5:30 p.m.
Okun / Stern Loft
204 Rigsbee Ave. #201
Downtown Durham
Thurs., Mar. 30
6:00 p.m.
Ideas Coffee House
Hwy. 54 at Hwy. 55
Behind Pizza Hut
Limited space / Please let us know you will join us
RSVP mollybeacham@democracy-nc.org or
Molly @ 967-9942 ext. 12
The idea of these meetings is that ALL Triangle residents, not just Durham County folks, should be concerned about what's happening in Raleigh and learn more about how they can support public financing. We just happen to be holding the meetings in Durham. It is a statewide issue but certainly impacts folks locally, particularly since Chapel Hill has explored local public financing options in the past and it was shot down in the legislature because of the huge influence of big-money donors from the homebuilders' & realtors' PACs.
Kent Kanoy has annouced plans to run against David Price here in North Carolina's 4th congresional district. Given that this district would vote for a dead, not just yellow, dog democrat (despite a sizable GOP minority) is this a positive way for progressives to get a voice, or a distraction when we can least afford it? I think the first.
He seems to view his primary challange as a referendum on what Price should be doing in 3 important areas: Iraq (sign on to the Murtha Resolution), Impeachment (sign on to the Conyers Resolution to investigate Bush), and a single payer national health system.
Kanoy is not taking campaign contributions and is not wealthy so this won't likely be a competetive race in the traditional sense. But if we can't hold an elected Democrat accountable here, where can we? Obviously it would be best to not burn bridges though...
· Kanoy's Official Campaign Website
· Price's Official Campaign Website
· Interview with Kanoy on BlueNC.com
Good evening to you all. This is Chad A. Johnston, director of The Peoples Channel, Chapel Hill and Orange CountyÂ’s non-profit public access television station. My brain is a little fuzzy due to the work load over here, so I apologize if I ramble on. We face very troubling times in the telecommunications world right now, and without community input and support, we could loose valuable community resources.
The Orange County Commissioners will be discussing their new representation plan again tonight. Personally, I think making minor changes is a waste of time. The current plan is overly complicated and is not any more representative than the current at-large elections.
In February, the board chose a proposal for a referendum in November that would have created a five-member panel -- as it is now -- with the county divided into two districts. In a three-to-two vote, the board agreed candidates would live in the districts but be nominated and elected by voters.
Under the proposal, Chapel Hill Township would be its own district and have two board members. The rest of the county would be another district and have one board member. The other two board members would be elected at-large countywide.
- heraldsun.com: Officials may tweak district representation proposal, 3/21/06
My proposal would look something like this:
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